The Intro

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   "Silence!" Mr. Nelson yelled. Almost immediately, there was an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air, like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters onto the ground. It was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with sounds, words... anything. The silence was eerily unnatural, like a dawn devoid of birdsong. Students exchanged fearful glances as Mr. Nelson began to march along the path of polished tiles, the click-clacking of his leather shoes reverberating around the large hall. The air was thickening with tension, and the students were waiting to see what Mr. Nelson would do today. They could tell that he was brimming with a fiery, red-hot anger and he was on the verge of erupting. It wouldn't take much to set him off.

   SLAM! Every student in the hall jumped in their seats, startled by the sudden noise. Mr. Nelson was standing in front of a weedy student, who had been playing Temple Run on his phone under the wooden desk he was sat at, and Mr Nelson had slammed one calloused hand on the desk to grab the student's attention. The student, Andrew, was now looking up at Mr. Nelson with wide, innocent eyes. Mr. Nelson was smiling at Andrew, but his pupils were flaming with unbridled rage. You couldn't mistake the malice in his big, fake smile. His body was tense and his fists were balled up by his sides. If not for his nametag that said "Mr Nelson - Teacher", you could have easily mistaken him for a teenager with anger problems.

   "I-I'm sorry Sir, I was just texting my mom to tell her that I'm okay," Andrew stuttered. He was now aware of the threat that was looming over his desk. His phone was still resting in the palm of his hand, and he had placed the two of his hands on his desk. Without any warning, Mr. Nelson snatched the phone from Andrew's clammy palm, throwing it to the ground with a snide curl of his lips. There was a collective gasp in the hall which drowned out Andrew's shocked cries, as the phone exploded into a flurry of metallic little bits on the ground.

   "I don't tolerate liars," Mr. Nelson said coolly, before marching to the front of the hall. Anyone with two eyes could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying this - and the fact that Andrew was bawling his eyes out made it even more worthwhile. Mr. Nelson often did stuff like this, but it only became even worse when it came to this certain class. There was one boy in the class named Alex, and Mr. Nelson loathed his guts. All because of a bottle of water.

   Alex had been drinking water one day, and he had left the lid off while he was working so that he could take a sip without having to twist it off first. Mr. Nelson had gone over to his desk to check what Alex was writing, and Alex happened to elbow his bottle just as Mr. Nelson came to stand right next to his desk. The bottle had toppled over in his direction, effectively drenching Mr. Nelson's crotch. That day, Alex had turned Mr. Nelson into a laughing stock - and Mr. Nelson didn't take that lightly. Ever since that day, Mr. Nelson had felt nothing but perpetual hate for Alex, and he was desperate for vengeance. Today, he was finally going to get that vengeance that he craved so much.

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