The Non-Intro Outro

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   "I understand. None of you know what to say, and that's OK. I just want you guys to remember that you should always appreciate your family. One minute they're there, and the next... they're not. Find a person in your life that will be your leader. Because you know what a leader is?" Alex paused, waiting to see if anyone would answer. The whole class was fixated on Alex still, awaiting his next few words.

   "A leader is a dealer of hope. And in this world, hope is becoming scarce. Hope is that little voice that whispers 'maybe' when it seems like the whole world is screaming 'no'. Hope is all you have when there's nothing else left. And even though hope is a small thing... it goes a long way."

   Applause erupted from every corner of the hall, various students whooping in appreciation, and Sabrina gave Alex a look which said "I knew you could do it". Alex felt a sense of elation as he saw the utter respect in his classmates' eyes.

   "Well, you're a master with words, Rider," Mr. Nelson grumbled. Alex Rider had bested him. Again. And it wouldn't be the last time that he would.


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