Chapter 4

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Natasha POV

I sneak in through the front door from my midnight trip to the lake. I must have fell asleep and must have not come in. Damn you Brooke and your forgetfulness.

I see they were making breakfast already not even bothering to wake me up. I don't see Brooke in the kitchen either, again not even bothering to wake either of us.

I creep up the stairs and into my room. I hear the shower running, that must be Brooke right? Let's just assume it's Brooke.

I throw together an outfit with my Sharknado shirt, black jeggings, red converse, and a black beanie.

"So what do you guys think of Natasha?" I hear Joey ask from behind the doorway to the kitchen.

"She's a wired emo girl type obviously." Chris adds.

Brooke, Christina, Madison, Damon, and Christian all sit there staring down at the table.

"Guys back off her." Madison says trying to defend me.

"I hate to say it but she probably cuts for attention like the way she dyes her hair for attention." Chris says making it worst.

"I sorry, but vodka on cereal? What a waste." Christian adds in with a really awkward voice."

"I'm glad to know you all feel that way about me that way." I say standing in the doorway with tears falling from my eyes.

I turn around a storm out the front door to who knows where I run around to the back yard and into the forest.

Where the hell was I supposed to go? I collapse down on my knees and curl up in a ball. I was now deep into the woods behind the house next to the lake where I could be alone for awhile. I really need it.

I lay flat on my back and stare up, what was that above me? A ladder? Guess I have to climb it now right?

I place my foot into the loop one at a time while I made my way up to what appeared to be a landing I guess you could say.

" The Tree House Of Briahnabear and RickyDillion." I read outloud to myself.

This got alot more interesting didn't it?


Briahna! Please don't kill me if I spelled your name wrong! And I think you like Connor Franta if you don't just snapchat me lol.

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