Chapter 11

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Brooke POV

I woke up and looked around at everybody cuddled up as couples. Joey and Christina, Ricky and Briahna, I believe Madison and Chris were an item now, Marzia and Felix, Zoe had Alfie who wasn't there. And then there was Me, Natasha, Dan, Phil, Damon, and Christian.

I really liked Christian but we had absolutely no chance, he is to awkward to even talk to me how could we make a cute couple? I always felt like Damon and Natasha had something but by the looks of it I think she has a thing for Dan. Phil was quite adorable though, aye maybe this could work!

I sighed as I got up and woke up Natasha. "Nat, let's prank the guys." She nodded her head.

I grabbed my prank stuff and ran outside slipping on my UGG boots still in PJs. It was about 5:00 am. The others wouldn't be awake until 9:00 or so. Later Natasha came out after she checked her cuts. I nodded my head and started into our prank.


Madison's POV

"Briahna, something went on last night I swear." I say pouring some coffee into a cup and sliding into a chair.

"What do you mean?"

"When I brought the bubble stuff, what's it call?"


"Yea, peroxide. I brought some into Natasha's room and her and Dan kissed."

Briahna's eyes widened as she took a sip of her coffee, " are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure."

"I don't know about you but I'm going back to sleep." Briahna said taking her coffee upstairs to my bedroom.


Dan's POV

I woke up, expecting Natasha to be there. But she was gone. In her place was blood. Wait was she on her period or some shit? Zoe was pacing around hyperventilating, " what's wrong Zoey?" She handed me a note, I opened it and froze with fear.

Yea, she's gone.

"We took them, you will never see your precious blue haired friend or that other hot chick again. We hid them extremely well this time. You better hurry, because if you don't find them by sunset, you will never see the, again for sure." Zoe reads it again.

Of course, on instinct, I yelled. Everyone woke up and noticed the blood. Madison and Briahna run from upstairs And gasp. We go to the kitchen and find another copy of the note along with the two others taped to Chris and Damon. We all followed the trail, it was on the porch too. But when we looked up we saw the scariest scene ever.


Natasha's POV

We heard them walk onto the pourch. We heard running and yelling, some crying too. Wow, when they find out this is a prank, well, I'm not gonna think about it. It would be pretty scary. I felt someone take my hand and pick my up into their lap. "Natasha?" Dan asked. I cracked open my eyes a bit. The farther, pretending I was waking up.

"D-Dan?" I as

He picks me up and carries me back to the porch Where everybody, including Brooke, were already.

I fake a hurt look and my voice crack as if it were dry, " guess what?"

"What?" Dan asks.

"YOU ALL JUST GOT PRANKED!" Me and Brooke jump up and high five.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Ricky screams, woah Ricky just screamed.

"YEA! WE THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE REALLY HURT!" Damon yelled, Brooke hid behind me.

"GO IN THE HOUSE NOW!" Dan yelled. I held in my tears until me and Brooke got fully up the stairs.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that." Brooke said sitting down on the top step.

"Y-Ya th-thi-think s-so Br-Brooke?" I said now fully crying. I was never used to being yelled at, ya other kids parents yelled at them the scold them when they wee little, but my mom was always drunk. She never payed attention to me, that's why I started dying my hair when I was in 3rd grade.

"What do you think they are gonna do?" Brooke said terrified.

"I don't know."

"Let's just go get dressed."

" I wish they would just cut the crap and be all okay." I said

"You and me both." Brooke murmured.

Dan looked over at me, with an angry look on his face still. The walked to the area below the ledge and looked up at us with angry looks on their faces they were really scary.

Dan was first to talk, "what were you thinking!?"

Madison was next, " we thought you guys were seriously hurt."

We walked down the stairs and I ran over to Dan. I warped my arms around him. "I'm sorry" I whisper to him.

They all looked at me in confusion except Madison and Briahna.

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you all! Me and Dan and dating now." Everybody was speechless.

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