chapter 1

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This story is completly dedicated to my best friends ZOOTOPIATHABEST  and queenvicky0.
They are my best friends who are there for me! And I hope to be there for them too!

They are my best friends who are there for me! And I hope to be there for them too!

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Those are of me and vicky in the next chapter ill try to get some of leonilla.

Anyways vicky you are my bestest friend.
I hate that youll be moving schools next year but know you will always be my best friend.
I will always be there for you, even if im just to be a shoulder to cry on, or want to talk. Im here.
Hopefully as we get older you will remember me.

My best friend,
Is strong,
Is brave,
Easy going.
She is not perfect;
But we all have our flaws.
She will always be there for you.
I will be there to listen to her,
I will be there to hold and comfort her,
I will be there for her even if its something hard for me to handle.

I will be her friend that cares and loves her through thick and thin.

I will be her friend that cares and loves her through thick and thin

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To vicky who has never given up, who trys her bests and works so hard

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To vicky who has never given up, who trys her bests and works so hard.
Whatever you choose to do in life, its your decision, dont let others tell you other wise!

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