Chapter 2

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My best friend since day one..:)

Even though this morning we just took our early college essay to be accepted, I know you will be excepted

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Even though this morning we just took our early college essay to be accepted, I know you will be excepted.
I have known you for 4 months now.
You are someone who I know will be there for me, who will listen to me when im talkative (and thats all the time), who will tell me to get back up and never give up, someone who will support me, someone I can fall back onto, someone I can call a best friend.

It's rare for me to call someone a friend, so when I do, dont misjudge it and think that it's a common thing.

Thank you for being my best friend.

I will be there for you just as you are there for me. Even though I can be annoying sometimes, your still there for me.

Even if I don't get accepted into early college, and we split apart, I'm here and always will be.

Leonilla, I know you somewhat feel insecure about yourself, but the sooner you realise that others opinions and thoughts don't matter than the sooner you can be you and feel confident in yourself.
I've been there I've done it. I used to feel insecure too but I realised that what others say shouldnt effect me, it shouldnt make any impacts on my life other than knowing that I should be strong and proud of myself.

You are who you are and don't change yourself for anyone but yourself, its your decision how you want to live your life.


Okay, if anyone has a really wonderful and close friend and wants them to know that let me know and I can make a chapter for them and dedicate it to you and your friend  or friends and I can make you a collage also.
So feel free to comment and dont be a silent reader.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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