The cat that Scares Werewolves

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I snuck back into the pack house in my usual form for this area, A black cat with white stripes. Anywho back to the story...

I padded into the house through an open door that one of the sluts left open, probably after seducing a male to come out with them and have fun, gross. Sniffing the air I followed the amazing smell of bacon!! Yum!!!

Of course, I would have to fight off around 200 hungry werewolves, but it's the best way to survive in their house, but I could manage! How else would I get my favorite food!!

Walking into the monster sized kitchen I sat under the plate near Marcus's feet and yawned. He looked down and saw me and looked back to eating my bacon!!! Oh, he was gonna get it now! Growling softly I crouched down and wiggled my haunches springing onto the counter and glaring at the thief. Marcus froze and realized what was going on he yelled for the alpha aka The Only werewolf that was allowed to regularly touch me, but not the werewolf that could take my bacon.

Growling I swiped at his nose my claws out and hissing, as some other werewolves came in following the smell of bacon before freezing at what was going on. Chuckling I continued glaring at Marcus before growing a bit bigger and picking up the plate and dragging it down my bacon ramp. Hey! No judgin'! I made the pack put it there after I broke a few of their plates trying to steal their bacon, so the put it in finally.

As I picked the plate up and put it on my bacon wagon I wheeled it out of the kitchen and threw the mansion of a pack house, ignoring the whining as they watched me cart the nights' bacon away.


Sigh, She stole the bacon again. Well, I can't blame her because the cat lovers that spoil Coco to death gave her a ramp and wagon, so she would at least let them pet her. It worked she let them pet her if they didn't get in the way of her stealing the bacon and carting it off to who knows where.

"Alpha.....She scratched my nose and stole the chocolate cake again.... with the pudding as well"

My Beta may love that cat to death but he really hated it when she hurt him for the food, and the cat lovers wanted to get her to the vet because she kept eating all the chocolate and bacon in the house. Though I had a feeling it didn't hurt her at all, but I still had to grab the cake before she left and not sit around thinking about what this cat did to the pack. I stood up and stretched walking out of my office, looking around I was about to celebrate getting away without Brittany on my arm before I heard her whining voice. "Carter!!! That brat of a cat stole my birthday cake!!" She whined as she hung on my arm and tugging for me to kick Coco out. Like I would ever do that. "I know Brittany and If you stay on my arm I can't get it back" I growled at her in my Alpha tone. Flinching she let go but still followed me downstairs where everyone was grieving their lost bacon.

"Brittany stay here I'll go get the cake...If Coco hasn't eaten it already." I ordered.

 I walked out of the house with Marcus my Beta on my heels. Shifting quickly we followed Coco as she walked with her haul into the woods. She went into a cave that stunk of plenty of animals and a human. Jerking my head Marcus and I followed her quietly. My red wolf standing out as Marcus's grey wolf blended in. We followed Coco until she stopped and stood up as a human.

'COCO IS A SHIFTER!!!' He yelled through the mind link. Growling I blocked him out. He was giving me a headache.

She was small looking, long black hair to her waist and vibrant green eyes that shifted every color. Odd she looked very young... almost Kyle's age maybe 8 or 9.

'So what do we do? Kill her for infiltrating the pack?' Marcus asked dropping into business mode.

'No, we see what she does' I answer with Alpha tone lacing my words as 'Coco' sat down to eat her haul.

30 minutes later of blandly watching, she finished and yawned stretching and tugged her purple tank top down so her stomach didn't show. Her form shrank as a silver fox took Coco's place........Huh??

So tell me if you want this as a book or add another part as the sequel to this?? Frost if you comment that I'm addicted to shapeshifters I will kill you in your sleep, guard dog with pointy teeth or no.

~Edited~ (April 2019)

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