? (Dont know what to call it)

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Why can I not breathe...My thoughts.......Are parading through my head but I can't hear them. I can see and hear but the sounds and sights are so so far away......I can feel the heavy wetness of my own blood and the soaking feeling of the rain and the hard concrete of the alley I'm in but......They seem so so very faded..... I could feel the pain and the disappointment that I know often but they were different.

I could taste them, I could mold them into something I could toss at those around me. But I was so very tired, all I wanted to do was sleep something that eluded me in life.

I needed to tell someone something but, oddly it didn't feel so important anymore. It felt like the task of telling your sibling its time to eat or the feeling of indifference when it was important To someone else.

I could feel something new, a warm soft light that wrapped around me, but I could also feel just as comforting darkness. It would not throw me into hell...It would comfort me in not knowing what could happen to those around me, it would erase all worry about my body, it would teach me to be cold and to never be hurt again.

The light however would send me to sleep, a long sleep where I could come back into the world of wonder. But the light held a sharp erratic pain and fear. No matter the wonders of the world the pain and fear and sadness would never go away.

The darkness tempted me as I felt human hands against my skin and heard the faded sharp panicked voices of those who come to drag me back to the pain and sadness. I struggled softly I wished to run to the darkness, the voices were feeling closer, and the pain became sharper and harder to mold.

I screamed in fury and struggled toward the pitch black and I finally won, I could feel everything floating away from me I could hear the screams fade far far away I could feel the pain slowly disappear.

My eyes snapped open as I stared at the ceiling of my room. "Fuck I was so fucking close"

Random short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora