The story.

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 So lucy has a friend (let's not mess around with intros and shit) who we are going to call Jennifer. Because that seems to be the mean girl name going. (Scrap the Emily thing we are calling her Natilie. Natalie if you do find this, oh my god please don't find this. I'm not writing anything bad about you. I just need to rant. We good?) 

So before I was friends with Natalie (see nothing bad Natalie... no hard feeling...) right back, she was friends with Jennifer. Now me and Jennifer have never quite seen eye to eye, even if we have our moments. She is Lucy's best friend which hurts, because I want to be her best friend (and if you do figure it out Jennifer then she deserves better than you) but I'm happy with a close second, and it's very close now because of Jennifer. 

 See the reason I didn't know, know her, (I mean I knew her, but didn't know her if you know what I mean. I don't. I need to stop using brackets.) was before I was taken under Natalie's wing, ( see all good things) they had a fight. A big fight. I saw this happening and I think I was kinda a rebound. So Jennifer had really hurt her, and then run of to Lucy thus ruining that friendship. 

 As I said Lucy and Jennifer are best friends. But Jennifer has this sudden obsession with being interesting. And guess who has gone through heartbreak. Guess who is interesting. Natalie. (Not bad) 

 So now she is abandoning Lucy, who has always been there for her, to run after Natalie who hates her (it's true!) So poor faithful lovely kind Lucy is left alone. And is sad. She is only happy when Jennifer comes crawling back because she needs something. Then she is herself again, but Jennifer is always looking over her shoulder, always talking to Natalie.

 Everything is revolving around Jennifer. Natalie is slowly starting to hate Jennifer instead of loathing the air she breathes. Jennifer sees this as progress. Lucy is sad and alone and like a lost puppy. Jennifer is her nasty neglectful owner. Then there is me. I can't have what I want. I can't be Lucy's best friend because she will never be over Jennifer.

 Natalie moved on.

Jennifer hasn't.

I have moved on.

Lucy will never be able to properly come to terms with the fact that she deserves so much better.

What am I going to do?

Big and little thing (not in a cute happy way)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang