Meeting Him

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I Start with Bane. They seem to know everything about him so I know more about his situation.

I grab the file and walk towards the cell block guard station. I Swipe my ID card and walk in. They make me walk through the metal detector and I go and meet bane in what i like to call the safe room.

The guard opens the door and I walk towards the table bane is sitting at and take a seat.

" Hello bane im-"

"I don't care who you are unless your the shrimp that's going to get me out of this hole"

"I sense tension in your voice"

"I would sense tension in your voice too if you knew you were going to stay in an asylum for the rest of your life"

"Well you could get out if you prove to be sane"

"But we both know I'm not sane"

I peep a small smile

"Well that's the first time I made a therapist smirk instead of killing her"

"Yeah your pretty known for doing that"

"But you don't seem phased by it at all.....why is that?"

"If I told you I wouldn't be safe anymore...all my patients would know my weakness"
I say in a sarcastic voice

I go to stand up and he grabs my arm.

"Get out of here"
He whispers.

I look at him and try to act like nothing happend.

The door makes a sound and I know it's time for me to leave.
I grab my folder and head towards the door.

"Leaving so soon?"
Bane says in a sarcastic voice.

"Yeah well I have to go visit your other friends"

"Oh yes .....that's right I heard joker got in this morning"

I stop in my tracks with my hand on the door and my heart stops.

"I thought you wernt phased by anything"

"I'm not"

I open the door.

"Get out while you still can!"
He screams with a chuckle at the end.

I walk out of the door with my heart pounding out of my chest.
One of the guards let's me know that Catwoman doesn't want to co operate and she is threating everyone so they want me to skip to my next patient.

6 guards escort me to the secure block and I have to go through numerous paperwork. finally we go into the room holding him. I'm to afraid to say his name.

We enter,me first then the guards, and he's at the table with his head down. He looks up and starts grinning.

I take a seat.

"Hi my na-"

"I know who you are Artemis Alyse Grant"

"How do you know my-"

"What you never met a patient that knows as much about you as you do about them"

I sat back in silence.

"So joker....why do you think your here?"

"Why do clocks tick?"

"...excuse me?"

" know....tick tock tick tock."

"I don't know joker why do clocks tick?"

"Because they are ticked off"
He says laughing
There was a long silence. Then he looks up at the ticking clock.

"Now I'm going to make this easy"

The door locks. And the guards look at it and try and contact someone in surveillance on their radios but no one is responding. They even try to save up and the cameras.They raise their guns and point them at joker.

"We can do this the hard way or the harder way"

The six cops drop to the floor dead with darts in their necks that seem to have came out of no where. I quickly get up out of my seat and attempt to open the door.

"Can you stop figiting with the door and take a seat"

I turn around to see him standing up out of his chair he was restrained in, there with a knife .twirling it in one hand and gesturing towards the seat with the other.

I slowly walk towards the seat and sit down.

"As we speak my men are working really hard to kill all of your does that make you feal?"
He asks laughing his head off.

I sit there in silence and I feel a single tear rolls down my face as I hear gun shots and the screams of my co workers. I'm crying but there is no emotion on my face. Analysis: Desensitized

he says histerically laughing. Then he gets serious.

"If you're so big and bad.....why haven't you killed me then?!"

"Oh sweet pie, baby cakes , my little cherry on top......because I want you to help me"

" so"

"YOU my little gorgeous pudding pop are going to be my hostage"
He says smilling

"Why me"
I say through my crackling voice

"Because I see something in you...HA just kidding But mostly because I'm bored" he laughs "and BatMan has a thing for saving people"

"BatMan wouldn't save me"

"Oh yeah..whys that"

"Why would he?"

"Well apparently no one told you"

He draws his eyes away from me and onto the clock.

"Told me what?"

"That I'm the most wanted villian in gotham"

"So why would you draw attention to yourself?"

"To get my point across of course"

"And that is?"

"I'm simply insane"
He says with a devilish smile.

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