His Begining

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"You insolent omega! I have told you more than once not to defy me."




"I'm sorry sir Charlie please sto-"


"That's Alpha Jacobs to you"

"Yes Alpha Jacobs" I lower my head in submission, fear of what this man does to me keeps my head down.

"Oh I'm not done with you, yet boy"

I snap my head up to met his cold, brown, beady-eyed stare.

He strides over to his weaponry cabinet muscles clenching underneath his black vest. Showing his built arms.

To my complete and utter shock he pulls out a silver knife.

I back away but the shackles that hold me to the stump say otherwise as they clink on the wooden floor. He smiles wickedly at me bearing those nasty yellow teeth that put corn to shame.

"Since you can't seem to remember my name boy-"

Sweat beads trickle down my forehead as I wait for the inevitable.

"-how bout I carve it on you" He cackles evilly his voice sounding like tires on a beat gravel road.

He's standing right in front of me now, I crane my neck my 5'1 frame adjusting to his towering 6'3. Silver knife in hand he lowed it to my neck.

"maybe now you'll remember where you stand"

"Please Alpha Jacobs no please no, no, no, NO!!!-


I wake up in a cold sweat. My breaths erratic as I try to focus my blurry vision.

"Deep breaths from ten"

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"It's just another nightmare"

Glancing at my clock on the wall I release a sigh. 5 minutes before my alarm goes of. I stare out the window on my room the attic. Its raining practically pouring. The clouds a dull gray mimics the exhaustion and dread I feel.

Today is gonna be a long day

On the bright side we're meeting with the Clear Creek Pack

The only good thing about that is I get to see Nicole

Getting off my bed... well a beat up mattress and my ratty old blanket that for almost 15 years has kept me warm. On those chilly summers and frigid winter nights.

Walking I go to the bathroom do my business, and wash my hands.

"Huh." I sigh

Hesitantly I look up to meet striking silver eyes, a straight nose, jet black hair, and a sharp jawline. My features too strong look misplaced and distorted on my starved face. Scrawny arms and legs that hold not nearly enough muscle, for my age and height only adds to my alienated looks. Not to mention the bags under my eyes and sunken cheekbones from a lack of sleep and proper diet.

"Why am I so ugly?"

Pain in my hands distract me from my insecurities. White knuckles appear as my fingers grip the sink edge.

My thumbs on the overhang of the granite counter white from force. I relax my poor hands as I inspect them for any injuries to see a long thin slash on my palm, luckily not a lot of blood spills from the minor cut seeing as I only cut the top layer of skin.

I took my eyes of my cut palm to turn on the sink when suddenly tingles spread through my hand. Looking at the source I see the cut close. Complete and utter shock fills me to the brim. The only time werewolf's go through the healing process is after our first shift. I haven't shifted yet.

"What the hell"

Looking back to the alarm clock. Gasping 15 min went by. Incoherent curses slip through my teeth as I rush to get dressed. Picking what ever I see first consisting of a black long sleeved shirt and some dark wash jeans with my ratted old converse to pull my look together. Grabbing my back pack I rush out and leave out the pack house.

Thank the moon goddess I didn't have to cook breakfast today. The pack went to the Clear Creek Pack for breakfast. Which means Nicole was not so lucky today.


I'm taking the shortcut to my highschool when... I hear movement coming from my right.

I swerve around to meet a pair of unique golden eyes that belong to nobody else on this planet other than her.

"Good morning Nicole"

Sorry guys I know I took so long to update but tell me what you think in the comment section bellow and vote so that more chapters will be available.

I want at least 10 votes before I put the next chapter up.

Thanks and BI

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