Chapter 1

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Chandler kisses me and I wince inwardly. He slowly pushes his hand down my body, over my pregnant swollen belly and I try not to gag. I hate his hands on me. He grosses me out and I'm pretty sure he knows it but he doesn't care.

His rough hands are under my shirt, reaching up to pinch my nipples. He's trying to turn me on but how does one get turned on during rape? I close my eyes and let him do what he's been doing to me for the past ten years.

I hate his hands on me but if I say anything, he'll beat me. I don't want to end up on the floor bleeding and my unborn child hanging on the inside of me for dear life. Yes, I can get pregnant. And I think the only reason Chandler kidnapped me was because of that.

When I was fourteen, my parents took me to the doctor. The doctor did a routine physical and then he did a test to see if I had the MF3M gene. It's a rare genetic gene that males get. The males who have it have female reproductive organs on the inside and male parts on the outside. In some of the most rare cases, some guys have vaginas. Luckily, I don't fall into that category.

Chandler was a contractor who was working on a building near my doctor's office. He heard my parents and I talking about me having the gene. So, he stalked me for weeks, months until he had the balls to kidnap me.

The first night was the worst. He beat me within an inch of my life before he raped me to the point when I was not aware of anything. I was unconscious for two days, I think. When I came to, Chandler was on top of me, raping me again.

He was always rough with me. Chandler was especially rough when he found out I was pregnant. Each time I was pregnant, at fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-two. He would fuck me like I was some slut off the street. The first four times he managed to beat the baby out of me. It took for me to break down after the last baby for him to stop.

I have three beautiful babies, a boy and twin girls. Two eleven month pregnancies, four bottles of vodka and an asshole predator later, at twenty-four I am pregnant for the sixth time. Chandler has promised this time would be different.

He doesn't want our children to have to listen to me being beat on a daily basis when I don't want sex. My babies don't need to know what daddy and Chandler do. I wish he wasn't even the father and I wish I couldn't get pregnant. There are so many things that I wish hadn't or had happened so I wouldn't be here.

A sharp pain hits me in the face. My eyes snap open and Chandler is glaring at me. "When I talk to you, you answer, slut. Or did you forget?"

I rub my face and look at him. "I'm not allowed to speak during sex."

He hits me again, harder this time. I gasp and look away. For the first time, I notice that I am naked and that his come was splattered over my chest.

I look over at him and sigh. "Sorry. What were you saying?"

Chandler rolls over to his side to look at me. His green eyes, looking into my soul and I'm instantly afraid that he can read my mind. I fear that he knows that I hate him and I want him dead. If he knew, he'd beat me within an inch of my life and I don't want to lose another baby.

It sucks being pregnant by the one man in the whole world who has abused me for years. You would think I would despise my children but I don't. They are the only good things that have come out of the hell I have been in. My children give me a reason to get up every morning and go through the struggles of my reality.

I miss my life. My parents were great and everyday I wonder if they are still looking for me. My dad was starting his political campaign right before I was taken. I'm allowed to watch TV, not anything local in case my face is still being plastered everywhere. I have seen him on TV, he started as a councilman and then mayor. Now, he's running for governor. I'm so proud of him and I'm glad that I can still see his face and have some memories of my former life.

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