Chapter 15

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According to me, in this vast universe there are only two entities which share unconditional love. They try to give everything they possess to their children till their last breath.

They are "Mother and Nature".

Let me give you an analogy.

Mother: She'll feed her children first even if she didn't eat for many days and feeling hungry.

Nature: It'll give everything it has till it has life. Fruits, leaves, branches, trunk everything.

Do you ever think or imagine to destroy your own mother? No right?

Then how can you destroy the nature which is equivalent to mother?

Think twice before you commit any practice which can harm the MOTHER NATURE.

I wrote this part on request of purna22 . This is just my POV about nature. So lemme know your views and whether you agree with me or not by commenting or messaging me. You can also request any topic and I'll try to write a chapter on that. Thank you :)

Keep smiling...Keep loving...

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