Ouma x Crossdresser!Female!Reader

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You were trapped in this dark, gloomy place, with a bunch of strange unknown people.
To get away, you had to kill someone, without anyone guessing you were the killer.

At least that's what a black and white bear with an annoyingly high-pitched voice told you.

Of course, you didn't want to kill anybody – unless maybe some of them, who were seriously getting on your nerves.
For example, there was this short boy with purple hair. Just like everyone else, he came up to you at some point and asked you who you were, what was your name, and your talent. You ignored him, just like you ignored the people before him. You didn't want to get involved with anyone here – they were all too weird.
Between this red headed child who believed in magic, and that green haired guy who kept repeating how not-suspicious he was, making him even more suspicious, you really didn't want to talk to anybody.

You also got pretty offended when this girl with long blue hair told you, "Oh, you look so much like a male protagonist from a super romantic shoujo! Male protagonists from super romantic shoujos are always amazing."
You didn't even bother telling her that you weren't a guy, people always confused your gender. It's true that you didn't look very girly. You never wore makeup, your hair wasn't that long, you never wore skirts or dresses either, your chest was flat and your voice was pretty low.

Plus, someone here could eventually kill you, and you didn't want to die yet.

They all stopped talking to you once they received your famous 'death glare'. But this purple haired short boy, he kept insisting, again and again. Even when you walked away from him, he kept following you. Why did he so desperately want to know who you were, anyway?

"Hey... Come back! I was talking to you!" he exclaimed, quickly walking up to you as you turned your back to him.
You growled, "Leave me alone."
He stood in front of you, blocking you from going further. "Don't ignore me." he said, as his eyes started to get teary.

He wasn't going to start crying, was he...?

Well, yes, he did start crying after all. Even sobbing uncontrollably. His cries could be heard through the whole place.
You panicked, and put your hand on his mouth. "S-Stop crying! I'll talk to you, okay? But... just shut your mouth! Please!"
He abruptly stopped wailing, and stared at you with calm eyes. You removed your hand, to reveal a sly smirk plastered on his lips. "Whew, that was tiring..." he murmured.
Your eye twitched, "So, what do you want?"
He grinned happily, and waved his hand in the air. "I'm Kokichi Ouma! I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader. What about you?"
You pouted slightly and crossed your arms, "I'm [L/N] [Y/N]... And... about my talent... I don't really remember it."
Ouma raised an eyebrow, as your name sounded pretty girly, for a boy. And why didn't you remember your talent? The only other person with an unknown talent was Amami Rantarou. How strange.

"...Well, nice to meet you, [L/N]. I hope we'll have lots of fun during this game!" he declared, before running off, leaving you all alone in this dark corridor.

The first person found dead was Amami Rantarou, and Kaede Akamatsu got executed. Her execution was really brutal, and you felt so sorry for her ; she was one of the few people who weren't completely strange. And Rantarou... you felt bad for not trusting him at all since the first day.
He really wasn't suspicious, after all.

Now he was dead.

The only so-called friend you had was Ouma, he kept talking with you and praising you all the time. You wondered why, you had nothing special after all. Even though you didn't particularly appreciate him at first, you've grown sort of attached to him, as the time passed.
He had sudden mood swings, he seemed to have lots of fun during this killing game, and kept reminding everyone how much of a good liar he was and how evil he was.

Danganronpa V3 One-Shots [Reader inserts]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt