Saihara x Female!Reader

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The hotel Kumanami. A love hotel.
The only thing you could think of was the person in front of you, Saihara Shuuichi. He was your everything — this dark haired boy was the detective who solved your parents' murder, you owed him everything.
After your parents' brutal, bloody and cruel death, you had no one. No siblings, no other family, you were absolutely alone. The worst thing was, that no one found out who was the monster that took away your parents from you. It has been a total mystery. In your opinion, the police didn't even make that much effort — it seemed like they were just too lazy to do their jobs correctly. They didn't care. You were filled with hatred, sadness, and a crave for revenge.

That was until this smart, handsome and nice detective finally solved this case, and sent the murderer to jail. Since this day, you became incredibly loyal and attached to Saihara Shuuichi. He was the one who avenged your parents' unfair death, how could you not owe him?

You always thought the only thing you felt towards this man was admiration and loyalty, but right now, as you were standing right in front of him in a love hotel, you felt something... different.

"So, Um, [L/N]... aren't you going to say anything?" the detective said, awkwardly staring at you. Of course, he realized that your vision of life was altered in this 'love hotel', that your memories weren't real. You were now absolutely persuaded that Saihara was your ideal partner, but these feelings weren't real either. He wondered what your fantasies about your 'ideal partner' were, even though he was kind of scared to find out...

"Ah! Right... I have to talk... Well, first of all, thank you so much!" you exclaimed, grabbing both of Saihara's shoulders and looking straight into his yellow, greenish eyes.

He seemed even more confused than he already was, "H-Huh... why are you thanking me?" He did know that your memories were altered, but he didn't know how. He certainly didn't have the same fake memories as you did, so he had no idea what you were talking about. Maybe that you two were dating in these alternate thoughts of yours, and he didn't know about it?! That would be so awkward for him... He felt embarrassed just by thinking about it.

"Oh, um... When I asked you to come here with me, I thought you would reject me or something like that. But I'm really glad you accepted! Thanks a lot, Saihara-san!" you explained gleefully, a bright tint of red covering your cheeks.

He nodded slowly, "Y...You're welcome." The poor boy tried his best to stay calm, but it was really hard. According to your modified memories, he accepted to come with you in a love hotel. These kind of places were created for couples to do... nasty things... together. Saihara felt more and more embarrassed.

"Can I tell you something?" you hesitantly asked, walking closer to the slightly taller boy.

He took a few steps back, his eyes widening from the dangerous proximity between you and him, as his pale cheeks quickly turned pink. "Y-Yes..." he mumbled, feeling slightly scared of what you were about to say.

You placed your hands on his shoulders once again, pulling him towards you. "Saihara Shuuichi, you solved my parents' murder. I owe you everything. I would do anything for you. That's why I brought you here." you declared bluntly, shaking his shoulders abruptly, a determined look on your face.

Saihara was more than surprised — apparently, he solved your parents' murder. It was normal for you to be grateful, but he felt like you were maybe being too grateful? "Ah... It's okay, [L/N]... You really don't need to do anything for me!" he stated in his usual girly voice, nervously shaking his hands in front of you, trying to create some distance between you two.

You shook your head in disagreement, your grip on the boy's shoulder tightening even more. "Don't worry, Saihara-san. You don't have to be shy around me. Before I finally invited you here, I did a lot of research on what makes boys happy. It's fine, I have lots of knowledge now." you assured him, your hands sliding down from his shoulders to his chest.

The yellow eyed boy seemed even more panicked, and he gulped as he felt your small hands on his chest. "W...W-What are you doing, [L/N]?!" he exclaimed, staring at you with a stressed look on his face. Even though he was extremely uncomfortable, he had to admit that he didn't hate the feeling of your hands on his chest.

"I'm doing what the Internet taught me. I'll make sure to make you very happy, so I can repay you for avenging my parents. The Internet said that I could even be able to make you scream out of happiness." you nodded rigorously, concentrating on Saihara's jacket as you tried to unbutton it.

The boy's face was now covered in a deep red color, but since he wasn't really the type of person to fight back, he couldn't do anything against you. And, to be completely honest, he didn't want to disappoint you or make you sad. This was your fantasy after all, it would be too bad if he ruined everything now.
Also, you were a pretty important person in Saihara's eyes, so maybe he wouldn't be entirely freaked out by what you were going to do.

But still, just a tiny little bit freaked out.

"Y-You don't need to go that far, [Y/N]! Really, I-"

"Did you just call me by my first name?" you cut him off, your gaze going from his chest to his panicked eyes.

The dark haired boy covered his mouth with his hand and looked down in embarrassment, his ears now turning red as well. "I did? I'm sorry! That just-"

"Haha, chill, it's okay. That must mean that you're really excited about me making you happy." you supposed, shrugging nonchalantly, and going back to unbuttoning his jacket.
You listened to his heavy breathing and his loudly beating heart for a while, before breaking the silence. "Um... If I'm not doing things well, or if you really don't want me to repay you, I can still stop now, you know..." you mumbled, not wanting to actually force yourself on him.

He stared down at you with his bright orbs, and placed his shaky hand on the top of your head.
He thought about your words for a moment — he really was freaked out by what was suddenly happening, and it's true that everything seemed to go too fast for him. But this was your fantasy, not his ; no one deserves to get disappointed in their own fantasy.

Sometimes, Saihara found himself wondering why his heart was beating so fast in his chest every time he talked to you. Maybe he did like you in a like-like way, after all. You were the one he spent most of his time with, in this 'academy'.
And you don't often get to be in a love hotel with the person you like-like. Maybe he should stop being so stressed about everything and simply try to enjoy the moment. Maybe.

"I... It's okay, [Y/N], I'll stay..." were the only words that could escape his slightly trembling mouth, as his breathing got heavier and heavier. He was a normal boy, with normal hormones, so it was also hard for him to resist such a pretty girl, especially if he had certain kind of feelings towards this girl.

You smiled from ear to ear, finally unbuttoning completely Saihara's jacket. "I wasn't truly planning to let you go, anyway."
You rapidly ripped off the white shirt that was underneath his jacket, leaving a totally flustered and chest-naked Saihara in front of you. He was now trying his best not to ridiculously fall on the ground, since his legs shook so much. Poor Saihara, he didn't have much experience, and was more of the hardcore-submissive type.

"Thanks again, Saihara-san. I'll make you as happy as you made me happy, I promise." you murmured, before pushing him against the large king-sized bed.

This night... was a very long one.

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