Chapter 22: Affection (Luhan)

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I drove home as fast as I could only to see a bunch of paparazzi outside our house so I decided to go somewhere else. I have a townhouse near the sea and I decided to go there. It would help Trixie and me to relax and calm down. The drive was awefully quiet, both of us didn't bother to say any word. When we reached the townhouse, I helped Trixie get in the house and I brought in our stuff. I just ordered Chinese food for our dinner and while waiting both Trixie and I were just sitting in the sofa.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't careful enough." Trixie broke the silence.

"It's not like your the only who have another relationship and I guess I did anticipate that our relationship would be known to public. Its hard to hide stuff like this. Don't worry. I'm not mad but is your cheek okay? I'll go get some ice." I told her and stood up.

I went to the kitchen and grab some ice and a towel. I went back to Trixie and put it on her cheek.

"Aren't you going to call Sophia and ask if things are okay on her side?" She asked.

"Do you know that its better not to call her and even how bad our current situation is right now, I think this is a blessing in disguise since I won't be able to see her and give her my answer, which I still don't know what's stopping me for choosing you or maybe I'm a coward since I'm scared that you will not choose me." I thought. Trixie waved her hand in my face and it caught my attention.

"I think its better not to contact her now. The reporters might be digging up stuff about us." I told her and the doorbell rang. I went and open the door and paid the delivery man.

"I hope you're not getting sick of Chinese food." I told her as I placed the food on the center table.

We ate in silence and after dinner, we both decided to sleep. The next morning, I woke up early and called the office, informing them that me and my wife will not be going there and would be doing our work at home. After calling the office, I went out to buy grocery. I saw some newspaper about our marriage and read a bit about it. It seems like they have some pictures of Trixie and Kris hugging and going on dates. It seems that there's also a person who confirmed that the both of them were dating. I just sighed at the news. This would be bad for Trixie, I need to protect her. I went home after buying enough stock for us. I also prepared breakfast and woke Trixie up. She must be really tired to oversleep. Its already 10 in the morning and she's still asleep.

She woke up and we ate our meal. I noticed that she looked a little pale.

"Are you alright? You look pale." I asked her.

"Yeah. I just feel tired. I guess the stress is already taking a toll on my body." She answered.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" I asked again.

"No, there's no need. I'll just rest for today. The place is also good. I'll let nature heal my tired body." She said and smiled.

She had been really overworking herself. I know how important that deal was for her and I can't let this issue ruin that deal.

After breakfast, I called the house caretaker to help us with maintaining the house then I went with Trixie and stroll on the beach. The breeze was really calming and sound of waves feels like its taking away all your problems to the depths of the sea. We both sat on the sand and take in the beautiful scenery.

"So what is our course of action now?" I asked her after a while.

"I'll deny my relationship with Kris and say that he was really my ex-boyfriend and we ended up being good friends after we got married. Though I need to know what photos they have to actually know what I should answer. I'll also call Kris, when we have a concrete plan. I think its safer If I don't contact him for the time being." She answered. She looked really determined.

Wow, my child wife is growing up. I'm so proud of her. I laid her head on my shoulder and sat in silence again. After a few minutes, we decided to go inside before we fry ourselves. I told her to rest since she is still looks pale and that I'll handle the investigation of her photos. After I confirmed that she had already lied down and slept. I went to my study and opened my phone. I saw Sophia's message.

"I heard you're back. So are you ready to choose?" The message said.

"I'll tell you personally my answer, just not now. We'll just fix the problem at hand." I replied to her then another message appeared.

"Don't you think its the best time to reveal everything? Since its already out." The message said.

I sighed deeply and I know that she was right. I could use this to file a divorce but that would totally ruin Trixie. I'm not that bad of a person who only thinks of my personal gain. I ignored the last message I received from Sophia and did my work. 

I was concetrating on my work when I heard a knock and saw that it was Trixie. 

"Dinner's ready," She said.

I smiled and followed her to the dining room. The caretaker prepared our food and have already cleaned the house. I looked at Trixie and saw that she looked better than this morning but she is still pale.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I still feel weak but I think I feel better than this morning." She said and I nodded. 

We continued eating and rest after dinner. Trixie went back to bed after she ate and I went back to work. I received the report and photos that were being used by the reporter on Kris and Trixie's relationship. I looked at each one of them, and I can't help feeling a little bit jealous. They were holding hands, and there's a picture with Kris' arm around her. This would be hard to deny. I read the report of the investigators about the issue and thought of a plan. After I finished planning, I decided to call it a day, and go to bed.

I went to our bedroom and saw Trixie, already sleeping. I stared at her face and kissed her cheeks.

"You know the first time I saw you, I told myself I'm never gonna fall in love with a girl like you but I guess I'm eating my words now. I think I already made my choice. I probably won't gain anything in this decision but I can't deny it anymore. I'm sorry, Trix, I fell in love with you even though I know its wrong, and it would hurt Sophia, the girl that had been with me through my ups and downs. Who saw me at my lowest state and who have loved me with no other intentions." I said and tears where flowing from my eyes.

"You just don't know how much I would want to hide you and keep you for myself but I know you wouldn't be happy. I know you don't love me back but please acknowledge my feelings for you. Don't just ignore it and think that I'm just fooling around. You just don't know how serious I am with you. I would give up anything just to be with you but I know you wouldn't do the same." I continued as I stroke her hair.

I can't stop myself from crying. I decided to go the veranda to watch the stars and think. I never thought I would love her this much and I would be hurt this much at the same time. I also never thought I would be hurting Sophia. I never thought I could do this to her. I never thought a day will come where I will tell her to go and find a better man. The dreams we both created were gone. She was not the girl that I can see having a future with anymore then I started remembering all the times we had shared. How I fought with my parents to be with her. How I tried so hard to be independent and start my own company so my father can't stop me with my decisions anymore. I did all those for her and now, I don't find meaning in all those things I've done before. 

"Luhan." I heard Trixie called me.

I wiped my tears and went inside the room.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Are you alrgiht? Were you crying?" She asked.

"Me? Your awesome husband crying, of  coarse not." I told her as I laid beside her and hugged her tight.

At least at this moment, I can feel she's mine.

"Go to sleep so you'll feel better." I ordered her and she nodded. We both went to sleep.

Mask of PerfectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz