Chapter 34: Happiness (Sophia)

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Luhan and I went on a date, its rare for me to have a day off so we decided to spend the day from walking in a park to watching movies to dinner out. A whole day with just me and him but I can't feel totally happy about this. Why? Well, Luhan was a bit out of it, something is bothering him and I think I know what it is. He handed Trixie the divorce papers this morning and came back to me like this. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that one.

After an exhausting day, Luhan and I decided to just stay in my house and cuddle.

"Hey Sophia, when we get married would it still be okay for me to see my twins?” Luhan suddenly asked.

He wants to see his kids? So he had already grown fond of them. Well, I don't really have a problem with that I mean they're his kids of coarse he would still want to see them.

"Yeah, why not?” I told him.

"You really wouldn't mind?” He asked me and stared at my face.

He seemed rather happy when I agreed to it.

"Yes, It's okay.” I said bitterly.

"Thank you!” He said and hugged me tightly then the doorbell rings.

I stood up and walked towards the door to open it. I was shocked to see the person outside.

"Trixie?” I said.

Luhan came behind me when he heard me say her name.

I looked at her and she seemed distraught. Okay, I know I'm the cause. I know I ruined her happily ever but I can't stand seeing her like this. She's a mess. I told her to come inside my house and that was the time I noticed the guy behind her. That must be Kris, I thought. I handed them some water and let them sit down.

"What brought you here?” Luhan asked in a very unfriendly tone that made Kris clenched his fist.

"Luhan, the twins are missing.” Trixie said her voice were almost cracking, you could barely hear her. She's trying so hard not to cry as she said those words.

I was shocked and looked at Luhan, who is also very shocked about the news.

"Is this part of your scheme? Are you using the twins so that I would drop the divorce?” Luhan asked in a very angry tone after he recovered from shock when he heard her news.

He was really mad but then again I would be really mad if she was really doing that. I mean why drag your kids into this? But I don't think Trixie was that kind of a person. She was my friend, it wasn't for a really long time but she was nice, she wouldn't do something this low right?

I looked at Trixie and she looked bewildered with Luhan's reaction to her news.

"Really? I'm telling you that you're children are missing and the only thing you can tell me is about that damn divorce? Why did I even bother to tell you? You never even cared about them. It might just be good riddance for you!” Trixie glared at him.

She took out something from her bag which looks like the divorce papers. She put it in the table and signed it.

"Here! I hope you live a happy life!” Trixie said as she hand over the documents and stood up.

They went out of the house even before we could react. I tried to follow them to talk things out first but they were out of sight. I went back to the living room and saw Luhan holding the divorce papers. I saw the way he looked at the papers, he looked indifferent, which is bad because he's not happy nor relieved. Indifferent if its Luhan usually means his hiding his real feelings.

"Luhan, I think you need to talk to her. I don't think she's lying when she said that the kids were missing. She wouldn't go that far to do that and those kids meant a lot for her, you've seen how she looked when she arrived right?” I told him as I took the papers in his hands and made him look at me.

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