About you and key

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Y/N = your name

t/c= tail color

c/e/c= cat ear color

e/c= eye color

h/c= hair color

h/l= hair length

f/c= favorite color

s/c= skin color

about you

You are Jay's old childhood friend you've known him from when u were 5 years old. You are more powerful then Lloyd. You have been forced to hide your cat ears and tail from everyone including Jay. Your parents died from the Great Devourer (the giant snake). You haven't seen Jay for 18 years. You lost your left leg so now your left leg is bionic. You always see the ninjas when ever there is danger but you feel like you know the blue ninja. You can turn into a cat because your a neko. you talk in third person sometimes. You would always go visit Jay's grandparents' junkyard to see if Jay is there but you always miss him.

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