Nine Muses Quotes

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1. ''You think Snow White or Cinderella were married happily ever after? I don't think so, they would have . probably divorced eventually.'' (Sera) 

2. "A comeback in 9 months might be seen as a long period but during that time, the members have done self-improvement and hence didn't feel such a long preparation break. As we are coming back as 9 members, we are preparing ourselves just like how we had our debut." (Hyemi)

3. "The staff who work with us wished that we should star in a reality program. They said 'They have a strong image on stage but are down to earth off stage'. I think we are able to show many things due to our strong image. It's good how we will be able to show a sudden change in charm as time goes by." (Eunji)

4. "We are funnier than what we look like in the outside. The regrettable fact is that we wish to have idol friends but they don't approach us. Many people would step away from us since the members are always together and are quite loud. We will approach them first when our promotions happen." (Kyungri, Lee Sam)

5. "We also think that we lack in skill. Since we are a group, we have small parts, so we didn't have a proper stage to show off our voices. We wish to come on shows such as 'Immortal Song' to show that we have certain members." (Sunga)

6. "We have been taking a break last year and I think many fans have been sad waiting for us. I hope to spend lots of time to make up for the time they have waited for us. We will nto rest this year and work as hard as we can to make ourselves more known. Please be on the look out for a growing Nine Muses."

7. “Everyone clenched their teeth and lived in the practice room in order to open the ears and hearts of people”.

8. “We started to get together and became congenial which made the team atmosphere lighten up. We also got to get closer to the public.”.

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