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My migraine was killing me. It always hit me by surprise and in the most inconvenient situations.

I was strolling around the city and halfway over the pedestrian lane my head began to hurt like hell.

I put my hands against it and rub it. It did not relieve the sudden pain, but it distracted me a little bit.

I slowly walk further and pulled my hairs to counter the pain. I got a little shock, when my head suddenly moved upwards and I immediately let it drop on my neck.

I tried the same again, but dropped on my neck again, when I realized I could simply pick it up.

The pain was going stronger and I could not bear it anymore. I was afraid how the bystanders would react, when I would hold my head in my arms. I grabbed my head and cradled it like a small child.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the small swings. The pain become less dominant.

I opened my eyes and surprise to see a huge crowd had gathered around the pedestrian lane and blocked the view and the view to the other side.

I asked people to let me through or at least tell me what was going on, but I got no answers. Some people were running around, one man was calling the police and two people were comforting a woman that was on the verge of fainting.

I grabbed my head with both arms and held it in the air to look over the crowd. A dead man was lying on the street, he had been overrun by a truck.

He was lying on the back and his skull had been cracked open. But even beneath all the blood covering his face, I could recognize it.

It was my own.

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