Fall Out

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The lake was still, mirroring the sky so perfectly that it looked like a hole through the earth. Abigail stood barefoot in the water as it lapped at the dress just above her ankles. The wind was slow and soft, carrying all manner of insects and pollen to drift effortlessly in the warm morning air. The sounds of life were a quiet symphony, and she listened with her eyes shut to the world as it moved around her like she didn't exist.


Jacob walked into the front door, frantic. "Where'd she go? She was outside a second ago, but I can't find her. Is she in here or did she make a run for it?"

Nicky was in the loft with Rebecca, still drowsy from slumber. She was rubbing her eyes when she walked up to the banister. "What're you talking about?"

Tom was sitting on the couch in front of the fire; sunlight from the loft window falling on to him as he rested. "Don't worry, she can't be far." he said, shifting on the couch.

Andrew, who was on the arm chair, sighed. "Can you find her?"

Tom sat up, took a breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again they were a pale blue; shimmering with light and casting off an eerie glowing mist. He scanned the room, and stopped; focusing through the fabric of existence. "She's at the lake," he said, blinking as his eyes returned to normal before he laid back down.

Andrew looked at Jacob and shrugged. "There you have it."

Jacob huffed. "Maybe someone should go talk to her, get her back here so we can plan our next move." He nudged Tom. "Someone who might be responsible for what she's going through."

Tom sat up again. "Alright." He stood, stretched and then walked out the front door.

They heard a rush of wind as leaves blew in through the open doorway.

"How far's the lake?" Andrew asked, closing his eyes and nestling into the chair.

"About a click," Jacob answered.

"How much you want to bet he's already there?"

Jacob laughed, "No doubt in my mind."

"Is he gone to talk to her?" Nicky asked, slipping her shoes on. "I'm going to head down there too."

Rebecca sighed. "Maybe you shouldn't."

"Why? She could use a woman's perspective."

"I think she needs to talk to him alone Nicky." Rebecca said, putting her hand on Nicky's shoulder.

She pushed her hand away. "No I think it would be best if I were there too."

Rebecca shrugged. "I won't stop you."

Nicky walked down the stairs and out the door in a visible rush.

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