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Chris's phone rung.

"Hello?" He asked still groggy.

Holy shit! Ted thought. His 'I just woke up' voice is hot! Wait, no he's just my friend! I can't think of him like that!

"Chris, I'm baking a cake. Can you come over and help me?" Ted asked.

"What the frick, dude! Its like three am! "

"Please, I just need some company."

"I'm on my way."


"What kind of cake are we making?" Chris asked, scaring Ted as he climbed through the window.

"A watermelon cake."

"Of course."

They mixed up the batter and popped it into the oven.

Chris stood up but tripped over his own foot falling on Ted... And accidentally kissing him. Both their faces went bright red. Chris tried to pull away but Ted started kissing back, wrapping his arms around Chris. He didn't know what to do, should he push him away, or pull him closer.

Chris felt something run down his nose. (You thought Ted was gonna get a nosebleed? U thought wrong!!)  A nosebleed?! Oh, well, if you can't beat em, join em! He started kissing back thoroughly enjoying it. Ted's tongue found its way into Chris's mouth. Here they were, best friends, making out at three in Ted's kitchen. He liked it.

Short and fluffy. You're welcome.

Remember I'm doing a x reader fic.

Comment who I should do.


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