Chapter Two

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"So," Rick started, "why didn't you two start moving to another city?"

"We felt fine being here plus it's more dangerous being out there than in here. Considering a shit ton of rotters at night, so that's bad luck because one it's just us and two we don't have vehicles." Luna responded from her spot at the table, where she was cleaning her weapons, sitting next to her was Michonne and Daryl. Michonne was cleaning her katania and Daryl was drinking a beer.

"So how ol' are ya two?" Daryl looked at Luna then to Legacy, who was sitting between Beth and Maggie talking to them.

"Luna is the oldest of us at the age of 18, and I'm the age of 17 almost 18 years." Legacy sat up when saying the sentence.

"Have you been here since the begining," Beth asked, "or left a little bit after?"

Legacy and Luna looked at eachother, everyone tensed up when Legacy started to have jagged breaths.

Luna stood up quickly, causing her chair to fall backwards, not caring that she made everybody else jump in their seats. She ran to her and pushed Maggie and Beth out if the way, not letting anyone touch her. Luna hugged Legacy holding her for a little bit as the others watched.

"Legacy, look at me," Luna cupped Legacy's cheeks making her look into her eyes, "go to the bathroom, splash water on your face till you calm down." Legacy nodded and walked into the bathroom.

Luke and Carl looked at eachother before Luke spoke up: "I'm guessing that it's a hard subject on her?"

Luna stood up and rubbed her hands on her jeans. "Ya, it always has been to her."

Maggie looked up at her. "Well, what happen?" Luna looked at her then everyone else.

"Well I wasn't there with her at the time, but she told me that she saw our mom ever tho she's died. But she was alive, dead, but alive somehow. I didn't believe her till we saw our dad the same way. Turns out a virus went out causing people to turn into rotters."

Legacy walked out of the bathroom saying that she was going to bed.

"We have extra rooms but you're going to have to share with someone."

After everyone got their partners they went to bed in their pitch dark rooms with only slivers of moon light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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