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On our phones is a "battery usage"...That battery usage has me thinking.. What do we use our "battery" on daily? If we could see it what would we see? And what do we do most in a 24 hour span? Would we see what the world wants us to look at? Strolling through Facebook for hours on end, starting arguments , judging people from behind this one two sided mirror we call a phone? or would we lean more towards what God wants us to see, instead of Facebook maybe you read a devotion, instead of arguing or judging someone you chose instead to lift someone up. Because it is not a two sided mirror, this life only has one reflection, and that's the one you see when you look in the mirror that is your self. 
Final questions: would we be ashamed of what we see? Or better yet, Is God ashamed of what he sees? Because he sees and hears everything, even the things you wish only you knew.

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