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Super heroes are everywhere now, their popular why? Is it because we are looking for entertainment? Or are we looking for a hero? Someone to save the day when all hope is lost? We sit on the edge of seats as the hero takes the stage when the odds are stacked against him, there is just no way he could possibly win! And for a while it doesn't look like he will, But then something incredible happens! Just like in all superhero movies, he stands tall and fights the enemy and fights for the people who are to weak to fight for themselves, and the hero prevails! And suddenly all those people who thought that all hope was lost and were certain they were going to parish, had hope again. Hope that they would live and (I'm sure) left happier because they knew they could have died, but didn't. Because the superhero fought for them and gave them hope of a better future.

How many times have we done this in life? Said to ourselves or to others it's to late and thought that we would parish? That it was to late for someone to save them, and they couldn't fight something that was stronger then them alone? Unlike in the fictional superhero world- we don't have "superhero's"- we have someone much better. We have God. But just like in the superhero movies even when we think all hope is lost and that we are going to die God is there to catch us. To fight our battles for us, to Save us. All we have to do is ask.
And in the end we will walk away happier because we have a hope for a better future

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