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My drenched hair hit my face like tiny whips as I ran. The wind and rain were unrelenting, my chest was starting to ache, but I had to keep running. The fear that grew in my gut told me so. I could barely see in the dark, but I knew I had to keep moving forward like my life depended on it. Something was behind me.
Remembering how it always slowed people down in the movies, I refrained from looking back, so I didn't know if it was a person or an animal chasing me; I had heard both shouts and growls. With my eyes surveying the ground ahead, I avoided large tree roots and thorny bushes. Twigs still stabbed the soles of my bare feet as I sprinted, and I was certain I left a trail of blood in my wake. I still felt it at my back, and I wondered if the blood would guide it right to me.
Maybe I should climb a tree. Some of these are short enough for me to reach.
A few more paces and the woods started to thin. In the moonlight, I spotted a tree with thick, low hanging limbs, and figured I could climb it quickly. Slowing my pace, I reached for the nearest branch. I tried to wrap my arms around it and lift my legs to do the same, but the bark was soaked and came off with my effort. I fell to the mud with a muffled thud and looked at the small scrapes that covered my arms. Then a shadow covered my arms as well.
A scream came to my throat but never made it out as a huge, rough hand wrapped around my neck from behind. I felt the ground fall away from me as he lifted me to his chest. I squirmed and pulled at the vice around my throat, but darkness soon came in from all sides of my vision; I fell limp in his grasp.


     Confusion overwhelmed me as I gained consciousness. My wrists were behind me and tied around a pole; the awkward angle made my arms ache. My ankles were thankfully in front of the pole, but still tied tight against it. Drums beat out a steady rhythm in my head as I squinted into the harsh florescent light. My legs throbbed from the running. The running.
I was in the woods. I was running from... something... someone? Felt like a hand. Someone. I was running from someone. Panic caused my heart to hammer. Who? Where am I now? Why am I here? How do I get out? Does my family know I've been taken? Does anyone know I've been taken? That would depend on how long I have been gone. My heart started racing faster, which made the drums in my head beat louder. How long have I been gone? How do I get out? Where am I? Is anyone looking for me?
     I thought back to when I was taken. I had just finished locking my apartment door when it had been shoved off its hinges knocking into me and pushing me down. Shock froze me for a quick moment as I took in the explosion, and then my first instinct had been to run, so I jumped up and took off for my bedroom. Two men had rushed in and followed me. They hadn't said a word and they had masks on their faces. I realized quickly that my idea had been terrible in that there was no escape from my bedroom. Paint cans were stacked against the wall by the door, heavy and unused. It had happened so fast; they were right behind me as I entered my room, so I just grabbed a paint can by the handle and swung it. I aimed for the first guys head, but it struck his arm and fell to the floor leaking green paint onto the carpet. He growled at me and continued forward as I stumbled back, and the other man I forgot about was grabbing my arms and holding them against me. The paint man must have hit me because that's the last thing I could remember before waking up on the ground in the woods. Knowing that there were signs of a struggle in my apartment gave me hope that people wouldn't think I left willingly and not look for me as hard.

"She's finally awake," said a deep voice from behind me, bringing me back to the present.

My heart stopped then raced.

I slowly lifted my eyes to look around the room. There wasn't much to look at; in front of me, a painted grey brick wall stood about ten feet from the wooden pole that held me in place. To my left, a grey brick wall. To my right, another grey brick wall. The ceiling was a tangle of black poles and duct work. The harsh florescent lights hung three in a row, with the middle one right above me.
     As my head continued to yell at me, I tried to look over my shoulder, but all I saw was more wall.

"No use looking around," his angry voice grated out.

     I couldn't find my words. I wanted to ask why I was here; find out if there was something to exchange for my freedom, but the malicious tone in his voice snuffed out all hope. He wanted me here. He wasn't going to let me go.


     "I'm not one for telling lies, Kenna,"
How does he know my name? "so let me reassure you. You are going to die here. Painfully." His voice carried a weight of power behind it. I believed he was telling the truth, and a shiver shot down my spine.


                      Author's Note:

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