Hospitals And No!!

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(Dan's POV)

I wake up to a shooting pain in my hand and groan. I open my eyes and look at my hand, and my eyes go wide. All the gauze was colored red, obviously from blood, and my white shirt, also was covered in blood, since my hand was resting my shirt.

I jump up from my couch, and look around panicked, and unsure what to do. I grab my phone to call Felix, but automatically stop when I see the time. 2:35AM. He works so hard, he needs to sleep. I can't drive.. So what do I do? Call an ambulance? Yeah. I call for an ambulance, and sit on my couch with a sigh.

Today is gonna be a very long day, I can already feel it. I sigh and look up, trying not to look at the blood. I'm not good with the sight of blood. It makes me light headed, and feel sick.  "Hurry up. hurry up." I mumble when the pain in my hand starts to get worse and worse by the second. I should've went to the hospital when Felix said to.


"Okay, Daniel you do indeed need a few stitches for that cut." The Doctor says and I sigh. "Will it hurt?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "No, it shouldn't. It might feel a little weird though. Some people say its easier to look away, if you wanna do that." He says and I nod. I turn my head as he starts putting them in.

After about 7 minutes he says "Done!" and I look over to see was done. "Wow, that didn't take long." I say and he chuckles. "Just, be careful with knives next time, Daniel. You're free to go." He says and I nod while standing up. "Also, just make sure for at least a week you keep gauze over that." The Doctor says and I nod. "Have a good day." I say walking out.

Once I get outside the hospital, I sigh and lean against the wall. A lady walks past me, and glances at my shirt and her eyes go wide and she walks away fast, Confused, I look at my shirt, to see it was covered in blood. I sigh and pull my shirt over my head, and shiver, automatically regretting it. I sigh and put it around my shoulders and decide to get an Uber. I go on my phone to see its now 4:00AM. I was in there for so long because for some reason they were busy so early, which is weird.

On cue, Pewds starts video calling me and I smile, and answer it. "Hey... BRO." He says and I chuckle. "Hey." I say and move away from the wall. "Wait.. Are you outside?" He asks and I nod. "I had to go to the hospital. Oh, by the way, you were right. I needed stitches.." I say. "I knew it! Anyways how'd you get there? You could've called me." He says and I chuckle. "I called an ambulance, You need rest." I say and he sighs. "Well guess what?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow. "What?" I say. "I'm coming to pick you up. Be there in a few." He says and before I could protest, he hangs up the call and I sigh

. "And I thought I was stubborn." I mumble with a chuckle. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and I look to see its Jemma. What does she want? She hates me. "Hello?" I say putting the phone up to my ear. "Meet me on your porch in a half hour or else, Fag." She says and I frown. "Stop calling me that, Jemma." I say. "Whatever. Be here or you'll regret it." She says then hangs up. I look at the now black screen, and sigh in annoyance. "Hey you, psst. Get in my van I have free Wifi." Someone says in a creepy voice. I automatically know who it is, and look up, a smile on my face.

  "Okay." I say and Felix laughs as I open the door. "Is your shirt broken or..?" He asks and I chuckle. "There's blood on it, people probably think I murdered someone." I say and he nods. "We have to hurry up, Jemma wants me to meet her on my porch for some reason in a half hour." I say and he sighs. "I can't stand her." He says and I look at him. "You don't know her?" I say and he sighs. "Well the fact that she calls you rude names is enough for me to hate her." He says and I smile.

"I'm gonna drive as slow as possible to piss her off." He says and I laugh. "Okay, if she goes crazy on you, don't say I didn't warn you." I say and he glances at me. "You didn't warn me." He says. "Well." I say and he laughs. Once we get to my house, sure enough, Jemma was standing with her back facing us, on my porch. I sigh and look at Felix. "Would you be able to come onto the porch with me, she's kinda harsh to me.." I say and he nods, getting out. As we approach her, she turns around, Ellie in her hands.

"Ellie!" I say and go to grab her but Jemma pulls out a gun, pointing it at me. Felix shoves me behind him and I hear Jemma snicker. "This your boyfriend, Fag?" She says and I sigh. "What's wrong with being gay? hm?" Felix says and I peak over his shoulder to see she now had the gun pointed at him. "I wasn't talking to you." She says and he shrugs.

"He doesn't wanna talk to you since you treat him like shit. He's the nicest, and sweetest person I've met and you're gonna call him disgusting names because he's gay? pathetic." Felix says and she scoffs. "Its disgusting. Have fun in hell." She says. "See you there.. Bitch." He says. I now realize I was holding onto his arm.

I blush but don't let go. Suddenly I hear a loud 'Bang' and jump. I look over and gasp and feel tear swell in my eyes. She shot Ellie. "Ellie! No!" I yell but Felix holds me back. "Stay back or I'll shoot you both!" She says and I could feel more tears stream down my face. She just killed my Ellie..


Its been two days since Jemma, did what she did. I feel like shit. I don't wanna do anything but sleep and cry. Except sleep is hard to get. The sight I saw of Ellie after Jemma killed her, never left my head. Felix has been staying here with me, except when he had to go to his office of course. That's where he was right now.

I rub my eyes, and pull my sweater sleeves over my hands, creating sweater paws and wiping the tears, only to have them replaced. Why, why would she do that? Out of all things, she does that to hurt me. I pull my knees to my chest, and put my head in my knees, letting out a small sob. My heart hurt so badly. I've had Ellie since she was small, I've watched her grow. Now she's gone.

I'm close with my pugs as you can tell, and basically watching one of them be taken from me hurt, especially my first one. I had Peggy on the right side of me, and Darcie on my left. I feel Peggy lick my hand and chuckle a bit, reaching over and petting her. I look over at Darcie, to see she was sound asleep, and I couldn't help but smile through the tears. I could tell that Darcie was affected by Ellie being gone.

They were close after all, sisters. She's known Ellie since as far as she could remember. Now all a sudden she's gone. I feel bad, even though its not my fault. Its Jemma's. I could feel more tears fall down my face, and let out long heavy breaths, trying to calm myself down. I jump when I hear the door open and close. "Dan?" I hear Felix say and I look over to see him and smile. "Hey.." I say and he frowns. "You don't look so good.. You should get some rest." He says and I shrug.

"I'm not tired.." I say and he gives me a half smile. "You look it, Love." He says and for some reason even though I was unbearably sad, I felt my heart flutter. "Why do you call me that?" I ask looking up at him. "Call you what?" He asks taking off his coat. "Love." I say and he smiles. "Do you not want me too?" He asks and I shrug.

"I don't mind it, its just usually people who are in a relationship call each other that. And we obviously aren't. You're straight." I say, as he sits next to me, putting Darcie on his lap. "Well first off, that's not necessarily true. And whoever said I was?" He says and I look at him. "I just thought.." I say and he chuckles.

"I do like girls, but I like guys too." He says. "Ah, so you're bisexual?" I say and he nods. "Exactly." He says and I smile. That gave me a bit of hope Then, because for a fact, I know I'm slowly falling for him.


Okay, This chapter was sad :( But the ending is turning things around a bit yeah? Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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