Chap. 7

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      Amanda's P.O.V

   I woke up to see Seth playing on his phone.

  S: "Morning sleepy head." he said kissing me.

  A: "Morning two-toned!" I said making him laugh.

  A: "Hey babe....not to sound stupid long have we been dating?" I asked sitting up.

  S: "About a week." he said

  A: "Really...I've only been dating the love of my life a week now?" I asked happily.

  S: "Yep. And I've been dating the love of my life for a week now to. And you know what?"

  A: "What?"

  S: "I love you more and more each day." he told me. I smiled and laid my head on his chest.

  A: "I love you babe...." I told him.

  S: "I love you to." he said laughing a little.

  S: "So baby....we have a day about we go out on a date? We haven't done that for a while."

  A: "I would love to go out babe..."

  S: " where do we wanna go? What do we wanna do!?" it was so cute! He was panic mode!

  A: "Babe! Calm down!" I said laughing.

  S: "I'm sorry beautiful.... its just...we haven't gone on a date sense we started dating and.....and I want everything to be perfect..." he said looking me in the eyes.

  A: " will be fine....I promise. And so what if it isn't perfect!? If everything we do is perfect its no fun!" I told him.

  S: "Well then our sex must be pretty fucking boring babe..." he said laughing.

  A: "OK everything but that...." I laughed.

  S: "So what do we wanna do on our date baby girl?" he asked all seriously.

  A: "Hmmmm....Well why not just go to the park and out for dinner? WAIT!!! CAN WE GO ROLLER SKATING!?" I asked excitedly.

  S: "Yeah sure babe... now if you don't mind me asking....why roller skating?" he asked.

  A: "Me and my best friend used to go like every Saturday night. I love skating!" he laughed and gave me a kiss.

  S: "Well it looks like we're going skating then." he whispered. After I gave him a kiss we got up and got dressed. I put on my skinny jeans and a Shield shirt with my Chuck Taylors. It was funny cause Seth and I have like the exact same outfit on right now! Skinny jeans and all. Expect the shoes.....Chuck Taylor shoes were kinda my thing.

  A: "Hey babe....can we go skating now? I wanna do other things tonight....." I told him.

  S: "Absolutely baby...... and just because I wanna do the same thing..." him and I left and went skating.

   Him and I were sitting on a bench talking and stuff when the song 'Sexy Back' by Justin Timberlake came on. I looked up at Seth and smiled. I got up and went out to skate.....I think I surprised Seth with how fast I can skate. I finally slowed down and skated with him.

  S: "Damn babe!" he said grabbing my hand.

  A: "I told you I love to skate!" him and I skated for about 2 more hours and then we left and went to the park. It was about 6:00 now and him and I where getting anxious to get back to the hotel room. Him and I where sitting on the ground.

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