Chapter 10

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Romans P.O.V

"Well today's been a long day already and it's what? 11:30?" Dean said jumping on to his bed. "Damn right it's been a long day!" Amanda said laying down on our bed. I went over and laid next to her. "Well yeah. I think we should all just stay here and hang out for the day." I said laying next to Amanda and laying my arm across her. "Sounds good!" Dean said laying on his back. "Yeah. Sounds pretty good."

We laid there talking for awhile when Deans phone went off. It was Triple H's theme song so I didn't even bother to ask who was calling. "I'll be right back guys." He said going out in the hall to answer his phone.

" you happen to remember anything from last night?" I asked Amanda. I rubbed my thumb softly on her bruised face... "All I can remember is Punk attacking me...." She said soft and broken. A tear slid down her that really all he did to her..? "Is that all he did baby..? I feel like there's something your not telling me..." She started crying. "He...." She stopped talking and looked down crying... "He what baby..?" I asked whipping a few tears way. "He....he raped me...." She said looking down... "'m so sorry...." I pulled her into my arms and just held her...I can't believe it...Dean walked back into the room. "Well....the Shield is breaking up. I told Hunter everything. Rollins is gonna turn against us." He then came over and sat next to us. "What's wrong with her...?" He ask looking at me concerned. "He...he rapped her...." I said quietly. He then got this look of sadness and anger in his eyes. "Why. The. Fuck. Would. He. Do. This!? No one touches my little sister let alone rapes her! I don't care if we're not related. She's still my sister! I promised her I'd protect her...and after all these years...I failed...." I looked at him. "What do you mean, after all these years...?" I asked "Back in FCW....I loved this girl with all my heart...we were best friends...." He picked up her wrist.... "See these scars? do you!? We have such similar past....she wanted to give up...kill herself....but I wouldn't let her...she was all I had...she was my everything....I promised her I would protect her....I told her that she would always have me....then I got into wwe...I lost my little sister....when I herd she got signed for wwe I was so proud if her....I couldn't wait to see her soon as I turned around and saw her....I remembered how much I loved her....I was gonna ask her out...Rollins beat me to she's yours...but I'm not gonna leave her..." Dean rubbed her head. "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you sweet heart..." He told her crying....she was out...she look so peaceful when she sleeps... "Dean..." I said looking at him...he looked up at me... "Yeah..?" He asked. "I'm gonna go out and get something's for you wanna watch know....make sure she's ok...make sure nothing happens..." I asked. "Yeah....I'll keep her safe....I can't let anything happen to her again..." With that I said good bye to Dean and kissed Amanda on her head and left.

Deans P.O.V

Once Roman left I took his place in bed...I held Amanda close to me and thought about when we were in FCW...about how she stayed with me off and on....we did everything together...I feel in love with her....but now Rollins fucked everything up.... "Dean..." I was brought from my thoughts by Amanda waking up... "Yeah?" "Where's Ro?" she asked rubbing her eyes. He went out to the store...he shouldn't be long..." I told her...I ran my fingers through her hair.... "Amanda....I'm so sorry I let this happen to you....I promised you I would keep you safe..." I let a few tears run down my cheeks....but...then I felt her small hand whip away the tears.... "Dean....please don't cry know I don't like that..." She started crying a little to....and she called me babe..? She only called me that like twice back in FCW. "I'm sorry baby..." I pulled her closer to me and I felt her arms go around me.... "Dean...I....I love you...." She told me...I can't believe it...she actually loves me!? "I love you to Amanda....I've loved you sense we met in FCW and I always will...." I told her. She looked me in the eyes....I slowly leaned in and kissed her....when she kissed back...I was in heaven.... "But...Dean...what about Roman..?" She asked....I had gotten up to go to the kitchen to get us some ice cream. "It's not gonna last long." I said with a smirk and then turned the corner to the kitchen. "Fucker..." I herd Amanda say with a little laugh. I looked around the corner at her. "Yeah...but you love this fucker." I said with a smirk. I winked at her and then went back to go get us some ice cream.

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