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Imagine: Joker saving you from Arkham Asylum

Warning: Possible slight triggering at the hint of sexual assault. If that is a touchy subject, please, please do not read this one.


"Come on, Y/N get up. Don't make me carry you."

"Oh, but wouldn't that be fun, Batsy!" I fake squealed. He huffed and rolled his eyes at me before picking me up bridal style and walking me the rest of the way into the 'Dangerous' wing of Arkham Asylum.

This asshole caught me while I was doing a favor for Mr. J at one of his business partner's business. I was trying to low key snoop around and get a good idea of the place so Mr. J can make his plans on busting in later and stealing everything he wanted. But of course the stupid bat found me there and got me, not without a fight of course.

A guard opened up a cell door and the bat placed me down, leaving the cuffs on my wrists. He started to turn around, "You're not gonna take these off?" I asked sweetly.

"No, they'll take them off later." I groaned and fell back onto the bed.
Hopefully Mr. J will be here soon, that is if he bothered to keep me around. I probably wasn't worth the trouble.

• • •

"Y/N! Get up. Bathroom and shower time." Two guards stood at the door, one unlocking it.

I stood up, not bothering to fight them when they grabbed me. I did that the first day and I got electrocuted for almost killing one of them. It's now the end of the fourth day. And that shit hurt so I saw no point anymore. They grabbed my arms and led me to the ladies shower rooms. At least I was able to shower in this hellhole.
I would've thought Joker would've been here by now but I guess I'm not worth his time.

But this time both of the guards followed me in. They aren't suppose to do that.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" I then noticed we were the only three in here and that the guard with no facial hair locked the door. Oh shit.

"We just wanna have some fun, sweetheart. Isn't that what you crazy people do?"

I started backing up as they started walking towards me. "For one, I'm not crazy. Two, if Mr. J finds out he'll kill you both so I would stop right there."

"Oh he's not gonna find out baby cakes. And you won't ever see him again because he doesn't care about coming to get you now does he?"

I was a strong, independent woman who isn't weak but I was actually scared right now. There was two huge dudes and just me. My hands were cuffed and there wasn't really anything I could do without them shooting me. I was also really weak from the lack of food  and the two punishments I've been through from the very first day.

I was screwed.

My eyes had tears in them once my back finally hit the wall. The first guard, Mark, immediately ripped opened my shirt.

I was wiggling around until the other guard, Alex, held my hands still above my head. Mark started to roughly kiss my neck and moved down to the top of my boobs that weren't covered by my bra. His hand started trailing down my torso and into the top of my pants. I was sobbing now, "Stop!! Please! Someone help me-" Alex had cut me off by slapping me hard against the cheek.

I could feel blood in my mouth coming from my lip. Mark backed away for a second and started to unbuckle his pants. No no no! Alex reached to pull down my pants as he smashed his lips against mine. "Stop!!" I tried to turn my head but his face was against mine too hard to move my head.

Before he could pull my pants down, the door was kicked down. They jumped away from me as I fell to the floor in sobs. My button up shirt still opened. "Don't kill them, shoot them in the legs, take them back to the warehouse and put them in my toy room." I looked up at the familiar voice and saw Mr. J. He was looking straight at me with rage in his eyes. I didn't move though, I felt paralyzed after being harassed like that. I was 110% positive they were going all the way, more than once.

"Hurry up! The other guards are coming!" He yelled to his goons. He ran to me and immediately picked me up bridal style. I clung to him as he ran through the halls. He shot any guards he saw with his other hand, only holding me with one. We made it outside and he placed me in the passenger seat of his purple car before getting in himself and zooming off.

We didn't say a word the whole ride. Instead of going to the warehouse, he went to his penthouse I believe. I've never been here but I heard he stayed in one. He parked his car where no one could really see it.

I was still shaking and silently crying when he came around and picked me back up. I was confused as to why he was being like this ??

Once we got in his place he sat me down on a bed.

He kneeled down in front of me and lifted my head up a little by holding his finger under my chin.

His used his thumb to wipe away some of the wet blood that was on my lip.

He just stared at me and I stared back. I was highly confused as to what was going on right now.

"Don't worry baby, they're gonna get what they deserve. No one hurts you and gets away with it." Huh? What???

I just stayed quiet but inside I was freaking out. I thought I was just one of his goons? That's how he treated me. Before now anyways.

"T-thank you. For coming and getting me. Especially when you did. I didn't think I was worth your time M-Mr. J." I whispered. After that yelling, it hurt to talk.

He frowned a bit, "You're worth all my time. I'm sorry I took so long. I had to make sure everything was right to come get my most prized possession. "

I looked at him with slightly wide eyes. "And what's that?"

His smile widened, "You."

• • •

Please send in requests! I'm running out of ideas atm

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