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Imagine: Breakdown 

Requested by and dedicated to :

Warning: Some violence


"Y/N! Come on, we gotta go!!" J boomed from down stairs.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and walked down the stairs. I wasn't in a hurry, he was. I didn't even want to go. He was going on a heist and he wanted me to keep the guy he was going after busy while J and his goons found a way to sneak in to this dudes warehouse.

He had stolen and cheated the Joker and J wasn't having any of it. You would know that of course.

He was standing at the bottom of the stairs taping his foot impatiently.

"You know I don't like to be late, princess." He said slowly. I could tell he was angry.

I glared at him, "You know I don't want any part in this. I never do, yet you don't fucking care do you? What if I was to get hurt or die because of your want for revenge and lack of a better plan than to use me as bait. So yes, I will take my fucking time." I pushed past his shoulder and walked to the car.

"You shouldn't have done that Y/N, he's real angry now." Frost told me quietly as he opened the car door for me.

"I know." I said before looking out the window.

He was surely pissed. But I didn't care.

He got into the van behind us with the goons because they were entering the other warehouse at a different entrance than I was. The glare he sent me didn't go unnoticed through my back window though.


"So, Miss Y/N, what brings you to my place? Would you like a drink?" He was acting so nice to me because he doesn't know I work with the Joker, no one does. He keeps it that way so no one can take me and use me as leverage against him. He doesn't show it,  but he cares for me.

I smiled sweetly at him, "No thank you, I'm good. I'm here because I heard you needed a new spy? I'm an excellent spy, I've never been caught, and I always get my work done." I smiled slightly.

He smiled widely back, "Well, you are right, I am in need of a new- "

He got cut off by his phone ringing. I instantly felt my heart drop. It was mostly likely one of his goons alarming him of Joker.

I knew I was right the moment his eyes landed on me with an intense glare. Fuck.

He hung up as I stood up, "You bitch. You know, you had me going there for a second. But do you know what I do to people who betray me? Who lie to me? I kill them. And babycakes, you are no exception."

I will admit, I was a bit scared because he pulled out a switch blade and was walking towards me. He was a big guy and if he wasn't backing me up into a corner I could've used a few moves to get away from him. If I make it out alive, J will not hear the last of my anger.

When he was about a foot away from me the door flew open.

"Ah, ah, ah Joseph. You're a bit to close to my Y/N. I'm gonna need you to back up." Joker walked in with Frost and one of his other goons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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