Make love with the Stranger

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A/N: I'm not pro in writing SPG. Sorry if it's lack of information about the BS.


Electronic musics reigned the atmosphere. Smokes from cigarettes and vapes wrapped us. The dancing colorful lights gave pleasures to our system. Even if you don't know how to dance, your body will move freely and without intentions.

The dancefloor is now a wave of fire. There are smokin' hot people dancing crazily, trying to go with the beat. They are jumping, shouting, screaming and moaning. Some areas are loaded with lovers. -no! scratch that- I don't think they are completely lovers. I think... It is what we called, One night stand. Am I right? Oh. Nevermind.

I'm sitting here in a long white sofa.

"Waiter!" I called him with my hand in the air.

He marched my way but stopped immediately when someone gestured him, signalizing that the man will handle me.

"Hard liquor?" There's a splashy smile on his face that captured me.

"Sure." My response.

He sat in front of me.

He's a man with power and authority that shout out his human being. His jaw is perfect. He has, I think, soft kissable red lips. And yeah. He's hot... he has sizzling hot body. I wonder if he works out. Of course! Don't be stupid Alex!

He's wearing a white polo, rolled up on his elbows, black slacks and a pair of black shoes. He has intimidating smoky eyes. He gave me a shot of hard liquor. As expected, it's really hard. Like, oh! It drove me crazy.

He never get back his eyes from me. It's like, he's watching me drinking until I'm totally drunk.

"You know what? I guess I haven't met you. Who are you by the way?" I asked eagerly.

Yes. I think I haven't met him before. I am used to this bar but fuck! Who the hell am I talking to?

He stood up and headed towards me. I am totally frozen. I can't move. I don't know what to do. I gulp twice with my eyes locked to his. Why on earth am I entertaining him? Call all the saints you know, Alex. Pray for your soul.

"One more?" He showed me the glass of liquor.

"Oh." I smiled. Trying to be comfortable with his presence. I shouldn't tremble, right?

I reached out for the glass.

"Thank you." I mouthed.

The deafening electronic turned to  soft melody.

"Wanna dance?" He offered his big hand to me.

"Nah. I wanna go home." I protested.

I think I'm drunk-. Oh, just tipsy. I felt a little bit headache.

I marched the dancefloor. I changed my mind. I wanna dance. I want to forget everything even if it's just tonight. The pain... the heartaches... the regrets... everything! Everything about him.

"Party people!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

The soft rhythm turned to a wild, electronic music. Some people went to the dancefloor, to enjoy... to satisfy their systems.

While I'm dancing crazily, I bumped into a stranger. He has hard and warm body. I can feel his hard rock body from my back... trying to move with rhythm. He gently touched my skin and it turned me on.

He held my waist and drew near his mouth to my ear.

"Your fucking driving me crazy woman." He whispered against my ear.

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