Chapter 1

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This takes place after the big fight with Seimei and the gym part where Rikuo almost kissed Tsurara yeaaahh that didn't happen hehe! Please enjoy, comment, etc. Now without further ado, let's read this fabulous fanfic.


"Waka!!" Tsurara screamed throughout the mansion, walking to Rikuo's room. She arrived in front of his door and sat on her knees then slowly slid the door open. "Master Rikuo, this is Tsurara."

Rikuo turned around and smirked at her as he was in his Ayakashi form. "Morning, Yuki-Onna." She blushed a tiny bit and smiled brightly, lighting up the room and stood up.

"Morning, Master Rikuo! Are you ready to go to school??" He nodded and slowly walked out of his room and closed the door.

"Hey, Master! Yuki-Onna!" Aotabou yelled as he ran to them. They both looked in the direction he was running in and he stopped and panted for a moment. "I-I'll be really busy today, so-" He was cut off by Tsurara.

"It's fine! I'll watch over the Master." She smiled happily. Ao smiled and nodded as he walked away from them. "So Ma-" She turned and he was gone. "Master!" She started running towards the gate and he was already walking out.

"You're way too slow, Yuki-Onna." He chuckled lightly. She caught up with him and walked beside him, panting lightly. "I.. Hate when you do that!" She pouted. He smirked at her face and continued walking. Tsurara looked at him. "Hey, Master.. I want to talk to you about something." She smiled.

"Hm?" He stopped walking and looked at her. "U-Umm.. About what happened in the gym.." She blushed and played with her fingers. His eyes widened and he blushed a tiny bit, almost unnoticeable. She looked up into his eyes and smiled brightly. "Do you see a future between us?"

Rikuo blinked at her and smirked then grabbed her hand and jumped up into the air, jumping on top of buildings. Tsurara held on to him as tight as she could.

He turns to Tsurara and tell her to cover her eyes and she does so and Rikuo picks her up bridal style and jumps on more buildings.

After a while he jumps onto the sidewalk and looks down at the Yuki-Onna in his arms. "You can open your eyes now, Yuki-Onna."
He told her calmly. She opened her eyes and gasped lightly. The sight was beautiful. It was a wide walkway with Sakura trees on the sides... There were roses of each color everywhere where the Sakura trees were.

Yuki-Onna slowly got down and looked around slowly. "Rikuo-Sama..." She was absolutely speechless. He smirked and looked down at her.

"Yuki-Onna.. I know how you feel about me.. And... You know how I feel about you... Right?" He leaned down closer to her and she blushed really dark.

"Yeah o-of course.." She mumbled shyly.

"I'm going to the festival with Kana." He whispered at her and smirked.

At that moment, her blush faded and she clenched her fist in anger as she seen Rikuo walk past her. "We're gonna be late Yuki-Onna!" He called out to her.


"Okay gang!" Kiyotsugu called out to everyone as an emergency meeting was called at lunch time. They were all called up at the rooftop. "As you all know, The festival is tomorrow! And of course, many Yokai will be there besides Nura and Oikawa--"

"Oh, I'm not going." Tsurara said with a smile. Everybody turned to her especially Rikuo.

"What?! But you have to go!" Shima begged her. In response she shook her head.

"I really wish I could but, I can't! I have a bunch of things to do in my clan. Sorry." She lied perfectly. Rikuo knew she was too..
The next day in the evening!

"Alright. I'm off to go to the festival." Rikuo announced before walking out of the mansion, hearing mixtures of, "Have a safe time, Rikuo-Sama!" Or, "Don't get hurt out there, Third Heir!" And, "Bring back some sake, Saitama!" Rikuo shook his head at the last comment.

He started walking to the festival, thinking about Yuki-Onna and if she's okay. He shook his head at his thoughts and continued walking. 'She's fine.... She can defend herself... Maybe I took the wrong girl to the festival..' He thought and mentally slapped himself.

'You and Kana are going as friends.. JUST FRIENDS..' On his way to the festival he stopped by Kana's house and knocked on her door. She answered and looked very stunning.. Rikuo's eyes widened at her appearance as she had a dark blush on her face.

"H-Hi, Rikuo-Kun.." She said softly. He smirked at her and held her hand.

"Let's get going shall we...?"


Tsurara saw her Master walk out of the mansion to go to the festival. She turned the other way, pouting and stomping. "That should be me going with him..." She mumbled deeply as the floor started to freeze.

"Oh, there you are, Yuki-Onna I-"

"What... could you possibly need... that's so important right now?..." She turned around, furiously.

"Never mind I'll come back later!" Nattou said as he ran away. Yuki-Onna smiled and walked out of the mansion humming lightly and found a whole bunch of sake in the mansion.

She drank away, giggling to herself as she drank 5 bottles of sake and took an extra one with her as she ran out of the mansion.

She was walking on the street, stumbling on her feet and mumbling about Rikuo and Kana.. She decided to go to the festival and lecture him.

When she arrived she looked all around for Rikuo and took a sip of the sake. A huge sip- a mouthful of sake. She saw Rikuo and Kana on a hill top and growled, making her way to them.

Somebody bumped into her and she fell down, groaning.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" A red headed man said to her. She shook her head and stood up. "It's fine -hiccup- sir..."

She walked away as he glared at her from behind. "Ugh.. A Yokai...." He spat on the floor and walked away. "I'll be seeing you again.."

Tsurara continued walking to Rikuo as Kana walked away to get some drinks for them. Rikuo saw Yuki-Onna walking towards him and he stood up, watching her.

"RIKUO-SAMA THERE YOU A-ARE I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU BUDDY!" She shouted as she slurred her words.
Rikuo's eyes widened in shock. Yuki-Onna.. is drunk?!

"Yuki-Onna, go back to the mansion now." He said sternly.

"Rikuo-Sama... Why didn't you t-take me..? Why didn't you kiss me earlier when we HAD THE CHANCE?!" The tone of her voice went from sad to angry.

"Yuki-Onna..." He growled lightly.

She looked down.. "I l-love you, Rikuo-Sama.. And I think YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE WITH KANA!--"

Right when she said that.. Everything went black...


How was that? Feedback would be nice! Btw, how is Yuri on Ice!!! I haven't got to the anime yet but I will REAL SOON and when I do, I'll most definitely write a fanfic on that. I just wanna know what you guys think of the anime first... Hue hue hue... Until the next chapter!

Author-Chan outtie!

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