Chapter 2

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Tsurara woke up in Rikuo's room on his futon, she sat up slowly as pain starting shooting through her head.

"Ughh...." She rubbed her temples as she groaned in pain.

"Morning, Yuki-Onna." Rikuo told her. She didn't notice that he was next to her this entire time.

"AHHH!" She jumped and screamed as she swung her arm out and struck Rikuo across the face.

Before she could land a hit on him, he grabbed her arm and stared at her in the eye. Not gonna lie, she was a bit terrified.
"I-I'm sorry, Waka!!" Tsurara put both of her hands together and bowed her head, apologetically. Rikuo stood up, still not saying a word and he inhaled.

"Yuki-Onna.." He said very deep. "Do you remember what happened last night?..." Yuki-Onna thought really hard but, her head was pounding.

She rubbed her temples gently with her index and middle finger. "N-No, Master.." Rikuo nodded his head and sat back down next to her.

"You told me you loved me." He said softly. In response she her cheeks turned red as they began to heat up a bit..

Rikuo's tone in his voice got dark.. "Then you said some really unnecessary things.. about Kana." Tsurara could feel his aura get stronger and she frowned a little.

"Master Rikuo.. I deeply apologize for my actions at last night's festival.. I will accept any punishment you give me.." She told him softly..

He went close to her face and clenched his fist. "I'm going out with her, Yuki-Onna. I don't love you."

And, hearing that, her eyes widened and she looked into her Master's eyes, seeing nothing but anger. She slowly nodded her head and stood up, ignoring the pain in her head and ran out of the room.

Rikuo closed his eyes to calm himself down, he was very disappointed in his head aide. Saying all of those bad things about Kana...


"Oh- Hey Oikawa!" Kana greeted to Tsurara sweetly as she had two drinks in her hands.

Tsurara glared at Kana. "Oh- Hey Kana!" She said mockingly. "Why don't you go play with someone else other than Rikuo? That'd be great!" She slurred at her.

Kana frowned and looked down then Rikuo clenched his fist. "Shut the hell up, Yuki-Onna." He said to her. He was really pissed off.

"Rikuo-Sama! Why her?! Why-why can't it be me??!" She teared up a little and sniffled. "I'm prettier than she is! She-she is such a baby! And she's taking you away from--"

Tsurara's cheek started to sting like crazy as a hand mark was left on her cheek. She lightly touched it with the tip of her fingers and realized what happened..

Rikuo back handed her.

That made her come to her senses as she realized what she just said. "R-Rikuo-Sama.. I.."

He glared at her. "Go back to the main house before you regret it."


Rikuo went to school as usual as Yuki-Onna stayed at home, making sure Aotabou went with him.

A/N: They're all Juniors in this story.

Tsurara looked in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She was clear on how Rikuo felt about her. And she slowly got up, walking out of the main house.

She didn't know where she was going. She was looking down, walking and she accidentally bumped into someone.

He stared at her and she opened her mouth to apologize. "I-I'm sorry!" She bowed apologetically. It was the same boy she ran into at the festival.

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