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The books of Timothy are letters from Paul to Timothy as his mentor during their travels. Timothy grew up in a Christian home and he accepted Christ as a small child. Paul came through his town when he was a teenager, and later when he returned Timothy joined Paul on his journeys to spread the word all over the world.

In one of these letters he wrote to Timothy (2 Tim 3:10-16) he talks about how the fact that a Christian's influence on other people as a Christian does not depend on them as a person or their story, but rather it reflects how much they let God and His word influence them.

I encourage you to not to seek to spread the word of God through your own strength but rather through God and his Word. People will see the light of Holy Spirit dancing within you just based on how much you allow Him to come into your life. This is why devotions and our personal time with God are so incredibly important.

2 Timothy 3:16 says: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be throughly equipped for every good work."

Let the word of God be your strength and your weapon when you encounter trials and opposition.



All credit for this chapter goes to @Eliannas for sending me this chapter to share with you all. So please go check her out if you enjoyed this. Also, don't forget you can also submit a chapter!

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