Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“You’re such a fucking pig!” I screamed at Taylor as he used my toothbrush. “Do you even know what hygiene is?!”

He looked at me with a mouth full of toothpaste, “I’m brushing my teeth aren’t I?”

“Yeah, with my toothbrush! That defeats the purpose!”

“But, babe, I thought we shared everything now. I mean that’s what you said last night…” He raised one eyebrow, daring me to say otherwise.

“I didn’t mean toothbrushes! But you know what? Fine, it you want to share everything, then that’s what we will do. We will share EVERYTHING.” So I grabbed his razor and shaving cream and began to shave my legs.

He stared at me with his jaw hanging open. He quickly rinsed out the toothpaste and then grabbed my deodorant.

Once he had put it on and look at my triumphantly I laughed, “Sure, we can share deodorant if you want. I’m sure smelling like flowers is what every guy wants.”

He glared at me. “Actually it is.” Then he stormed out of the bathroom.

After I finished shaving my legs, I walked back into our room and saw Taylor hanging up posters of girls with big (certainly not natural) boobs. So this was how it was going to be.

I started going through my boxes finding as many obnoxious pictures and posters that I could. I didn’t think these would ever make it out of the box, but now I was glad that I had brought them.

I had posters of One Direction, Taylor Lautner, Channing Tatum, and plenty of other posters of guys with washboard abs.  I also found pictures of me and my friends and started hanging them up.

We didn’t talk to each other; we just silently hung up posters. Eventually the silence started to bother me, so I broke out my ipod and speakers and started playing 1D.

Taylor chuckled, “Cute.” Then he walked over and took my ipod out, and put his in. He started to play some strange rap. REALLY LOUD. He threw my ipod in the trash. THAT’S IT. I won’t be hiding my “feminine hygiene products”, he can see them, I don’t care. 

At this point all the walls were completely covered except for where I couldn’t reach. I stood up on the desk right next to the speakers, I stood up on my tippy toes so that I could reach really high to tape up a picture. I ‘accidentally’ stumbled and kicked the speaker system off the desk, breaking it and his ipod. I put my hand over my mouth in fake horror, “Whoops!”

Taylor walked over and picked his ipod up inspecting it, “You bitch!” He was still in just his boxers, and he must have been really pissed because his whole face and chest got really red.

In retaliation he found my lap top out of one of my boxes and was about to smash it on the floor, “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE.” I hopped off the desk and tried to grab the lap top from him. He was taller than me and held it above his head. “You’re such a dick!”

“And you’re a physco! You broke my ipod!”

I tried to jump to reach it, but it was no use. “Yeah, but that’s my LAP TOP. It’s completely different!”

“HOW SO?!”

At that moment Cameron decided to make an entrance, “Having a lovers quarrel?” he asked.

Taylor and I looked at each other, and then began yelling our side of the argument to him at the same time.

Cameron put his hands up signaling us to stop, “Whoa. Ok. Taylor, give me the lap top.” He said in a very fatherly tone.  He reluctantly handed it over.  “Now, it’s almost 2 in the afternoon. Sadie just called, and if you two aren’t dressed and in love in 2 hours, with an emphasis on the in love part, she’s going to skin you alive. Alright then,” he smiled and, taking my lap top, left.

We both looked at each other and groaned. “The party” we said at the same time. 

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