Sometime during November in 2016

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        My friend Chris and I were walking in the fields in the dark. We had a flashlight with us so we could see. The sun would be coming up soon. we reached Ludwig-Dresbach road and found a black Escalade crashed into a tree. A person with a white sweatshirt was underneath it. There was also a trail of blood leading back into the fields that ended to a large puddle of it in a dent in the wheat. As if the bleeding thing had laid there for awhile and then left with not another single drop of blood trailing after them. The sun was up by now and we ran as fast as we could because we knew something unknown was still out there. It was mid afternoon by the time we reached the town. It looked like a ghost town you'd see int the movies. What happened to everyone? We ran around the corner of a cement building. There was another trail of blood coming out of nowhere. It lead to a single dot of it on a window that could barely fit a small child. There was trash cans at the end of a wooden fence to our left. I climbed it as Chris decided to go the long way around. I got over the edge and dropped down to a ledge about 7 feet above the ground. As soon as I touched that ledge with my foot the fence seemed to grow bigger and folding over. Then all of a sudden 5 huskies turned the corner. They ran at me and nipped at me. Their teeth are yellowed and blood is dried up in their fur and around their mouth. A thought pops into my head. They want to eat me. One of the huskies jumped up high enough and tore into my ankle. Blood soaked into my shoe and as I wiggled my toes it felt a little sticky. Then, Chris turns the corner and shot a gun up in the air. The dogs scattered and left. His clothes are in shreds. 

   "What happened to you?" I asked. "It's a long story." He replied. He took off what was left of his shirt and helped me down. I cringed as I tried to put pressure on my ankle. 

        "Do you want me to carry you?" He said dramatically. 

        I rolled my eyes. "No. I'll be fine." 

   "What the hell is going on?" He said. "Don't ask me." I replied.

   I looked at Chris and realized just how fast he was growing up. Even though we're the same age, he seemed to have matured over the past school year. He was always the wise cracker and class clown. I never even notice until now that he has actually gotten more muscular over the past year. We walked into the bar next to the run down cement building. There are drinks half       full scattered around wooden tables and vodka and scotch bottles floating in the air in mid pour. It's as if time stopped and everybody turned invisible. I walked to one of the booths and touched one of the floating glasses. It shattered instantly. Then, everything around us started to shatter. It was as if I had started a chain reaction. Chris dove and dragged me under the booth table. We had cuts on our faces, arms and necks. I felt awkward with Chris having his arms wrapped around me. He was trying to get me out of the way of getting hurt; it just felt unreal. I noticed he still had the 45 in his hand. I was always used to being alone and fighting my own battles now matter how many friends I had. They were to worried to get involved or were to busy to care. But I felt like I could trust Chris and that we have become closer over the year. He will soon become my side by side partner for anything in the next few years; before he dies. We crawled out of our hiding place and headed to one of the bathrooms to clean up. Chris had glass sticking in his chest and stomach. We found a first aid kit and we helped each other pull out the glass from our skin. For me it was weird because I had to touch Chris's chest. We cleaned out the cuts with some alcohol and stitched up the big gashes and put some medical tape and gauze over it. I had to hold Chris still with my legs as I stitched him up. It was my first time having to stitch up a wound and I was so worried I was messing up or something. For some odd reason, we found a shirt that fit Chris behind the bar. We went outside to go searching for I don't know what. Our town is small and western like. We walked to my house to see if any of my family was there. It was dark inside with little to no sunlight coming through the blinds. Dust is flying through the air. I looked through all the rooms as Chris stayed outside knowing I should do this alone. I walked into the living room and paused for a second. Someone is sitting in the rocking chair smoking  a cigar. 

        "Mom?" I called out. "It's okay. Come here." She replied.

        I felt joy flood through and went up to her. I stopped dead in my tracks. What I was looking at couldn't be by mother. This person looked dead and and had thin skin.  I ran to the front door and tried turning the knob. It wouldn't budge. 

        "Come here!" She yelled. I started to bang on the door. She grabbed hold and burned me with her cigar. She tackled me to the ground and clasped her hands around my neck. 

        "Mom! Stop!" I choked out. She had a crazed look in her eye and I knew this would be the end of it. 

        I heard a window smash and a gunshot rang out; I had tears in my eyes. Blood splattered on my face as my mom fell beside me; dead. I gasped for air to fill back into my lungs and scooted myself away as far as I could. I couldn't keep the tears back. They fell down my cheeks as Chris came to my side and helped me up.

        "Are you okay?" He asked as he wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm fine" I said. Knowing that nothing could be done to help the situation. We walked outside and it started to rain. We decided that if there's no one in this darn town, that we would just leave.

       We got a car up and going and headed out of town. We didn't know where we were going, but we weren't going to stop until we found some civilization. Where we could take care of ourselves without the fear of getting killed or having to run 24/7.   

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