The proposal

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A/N There is gonna be no pov's in this one shot. But, there will be bbrae fluff, so yea.

It was a calm, well as calm as the Titan's Tower can get, day. Well, except for one person (who just so happens to be green with green hair, emerald green eyes, pointy ears and fangs). He was nervous for tonight. Why? Because tonight, Garfield Logan aka Changeling(he has grown up. He is 22 in this oneshot, so is Nightwing, and Cyborg is 23 . Raven and Starfire are both 21) was going to ask his girlfriend of three years (just innards you don't know, it's Raven) to marry him. He was doubting she will say yes. But let's see if that will happen.
Date time(proposal scene)

They were at the beach. The night sky was full of stars and there was a small breeze. Everything was perfect. Week, almost everything. They both were wearing casual, but nice, clothes.(picture any type of casual, but nice clothes, you want). After dinner, Gar got down on one knee."Raven. These past three years have been the best of my whole life.I would never thought there would be anything better."Raven was getting nervous, and scared. Is he breaking up with me?"But, I was wrong. Raven I love you more than life itself. Even with our arguments, I love you. Will you be my Mrs. Logan. Will you marry me?"She hesitated for about a minute, which made Changeling nervous. What if she says no. I won't be able to function my life if she says no."Yes"."What?""Yes,I'll gladly marry you, Gar.""I love you.""I love you,too,Garfield."
A/N sorry it's short, my fellow readers. I hope y'all still like it, though.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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