Hurt Boys

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Eliseo's POV
"What if he wants to fight you," she says with a serious face.
" He not but if he does I am a boxer I can punch the heck out of him" I try to reassure her.
It was cute when she was frustrated or scared or mad. Because I was the one to always fix the problem, I was the one to help her or calm her down. She always depends on me and I would depend on her that how true friendship works. I never could go a day with her mad with me and I felt like I couldn't go a day without her. 

" Well, that true you are the best boxer" she then sits on the log with me.
" Don't worry Little blonde, I will just be fine" I pull her into a hug.

She has been worrying and ranting for what felt like hours and now I got her calmed down and in my arms.
" Okay remember to be ready for tonight" as I pull her chin up and instantly our eyes were locked.
" I will be ready, seven right" I nod and she smiles even more.

We didn't move from where we were my hand was still on her chin. Her big brown eyes, her smile, oh, and her laugh that was great. She was perfect even though she doesn't think so. I mean who wouldn't be her friend this girl in front of me was the best. What am I saying I sound like I was falling in love with her. Was I, I mean it possible to fall for her I mean we have known each other since we were little. We talked and hang out once in a while with other people there. But we didn't officially become until seven grade.
It was love at first wait no it was more like a best friend at first sight. We connect in just a month we become the bests of friends and seeing her every day would put a smile on my face. No matter what was going on that day or the day before her smile would make me happy. But I couldn't break her heart and hurt her. I have seen the boys that left her in tears for days and she wouldn't even get up for school or eat. Thank god it was only two boys that ever broke her heart.
I would help her and take care of her when it happened. I kiss her cheek and hug her. She hugs me back and I didn't let go of her until a baby bunny comes to her leg. She starts laughing and laughing she was laughing because the baby bunny was nibbling on her toe. I grab the baby's bunny and put it on her lap. She smiles and pets the baby bunny and the little thing starts coming to me. Rosina makes a little sad face but in minutes starts laughing.
I look at her in a confused look until I look down and the baby bunny was going into my jacket pocket and pulling out a carrot and eating it. "That little fluffy think wants my carrots not me" I sigh and she just couldn't stop laughing.  She sober up and plays with the little bunny. I just stare at her and the bunny I never want to lose her to anyone. She meant everything to me and tonight I was going to prove that.
Two Hours Later
Rosina's POV
   I get out of the steaming shower and put on my bra and underwear. I head out of my bathroom and go to my room to dampen my unruly hair and brush all the tangles out.  I hate my hair sometimes; it's blonde in color and naturally curly, but the frizz also seems to come as a package deal with the curls, making it completely impossible to tame on some days. I finished untangling my crazy hair and I start looking through my closet. I wonder what to wear, I meet my best friend's new girlfriend, I need to look presentable. He did say to be comfortable, uhh I am going to be comfortable and presentable.
   I continue looking through my closet and looking I tried on six different outfits but all of them didn't feel right. One would feel too comfy, next feel to the party, it went on and on every outfit. Until I found the perfect outfit it was a fall outfit but it was a nice thing to wear presentable but comfy. It was a Polyvore grey T-shirt, plum scarf, black leather jacket, cream knit socks with brown boots. I put on the clothes and I start with my jewelry on. I put my favorite necklace that Eliseo had got me for my birthday it was the best seen he had a ring that matched. I put my diamonds earring on and then I start my makeup.
    I go to my other room that was in my bedroom seen my bedroom was the size of the second floor which I loved seen the whole floor was mine. This was my make-up room it was small but just perfect. I sit down on the chair and I added foundation to my face. Then I had some eyeliner and lit bit of eye shadow. I then add nude lipstick and applied them to my lips. I then go back into the bathroom and get the blow dryer and I turn it on and start drying my hair. After fifteen minutes, I finished and I start cleaning my room seen I had made a big mess. I then get a text from Eliseo " Meet me outside"
I text back and I write " Going downstairs" I push the ladder down.
     I start climbing down and I see Sebastian.
"Someone got a hot date" as he smirks and I look away
"I hanging out with Eliseo tonight that all" as I walk away and he laughs and laughs and I just wonder what the heck is wrong with him.
I go down the stairs and I open the door to see Eliseo. I see him on his motorcycle and I walk right up to him, I put my leg over the motorcycle. He hands me a helmet with my name on it yeah we had our name on the helmets seen it looked so cute or that is what I thought. My legs are on top of his legs and I holding to his waist. He starts the engine and he drives off. After a while, I loved when we got on his motorcycle even though his mother thinks that it was a death trap. Hey, I don't blame her that what I thought the first I got it, I thought he was trying to kill me. But it was after I got used to it and I started to love it, I even drove it once When I turned sixteen.
He had let me drive and I loved the feeling of being in power. I thought of getting one but I knew my mother not in a million years even but one. So I had to wait until I could buy myself one which by the way I close. The engine goes off and he gets off takes his helmet off and I  take my helmet off and he helps me get off. We leave the helmets on the motorcycle and we walk over to the lake. This was where Eliseo and I meet one night randomly as I cried that night and he gave me the necklace and showed me the matching ring. It was a happy moment between us and we sit down where a picnic was made for two. I look at Eliseo and looking around but I had seen no sign of a girl.

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