Chapter 1: the magic begins

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Once there was a girl named Julia. Julia  had a crush on a boy named Alec. I can't say she is obsessed with him she just knows how many times he falls. One day Alec wasn't acting himself he wasn't the funny always falling Alec she knew.                  
       That night something hit Julia on the head it was a rock and it had a note tied to it and it said "meet me at the big rock by the stadium."  Julia had been to the stadium many times but she had never  gone by the big rock before  she doesn't know why but it always seemed spooky.  Although Julia listened because she was always up for an adventure and it also could have something to do with why Alec wasn't acting himself . The next day was Saturday so Julia didn't have to go to school. As Julia was heading to he stadium an eagle flew over her curiously looking down at her. Julia wasn't scared because Julia wasn't afraid of anything although she got a little scared when the eagle was still overhead after a few minutes later. It was like the eagle had some connection with her. As she approached the big rock the eagle flew away.
        When she got there no one was there. So she sat on the rock and played a beat with her foot and just like that there was a flash of light and BOOM! She was in a different world so she went and explored when I wasn't paying attention I fell into a hole and in that hole was Alec he was ether asleep or he had passed out.  I always am prepared so I grabbed a bottle of water and poured some of it on his face he coughed and then got up and stared at me. Then he asked where he was I said I did not know where we are. After that I said do you know how to climb a rope?
He said yes so I got out a rope with a anchor tided to it and threw it up and out of the hole. Then I said you go first so you can help me out  he went up and after him I climbed up he helped me out and then I asked how he got here  he said I don't know how did you get here?  I said you know the big rock by the stadium? he said ya and I told him how when I played a beat with my foot and all of a suddenly I was here. We walk a pretty good distance to where I had to take a break for a minute or two.

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