chapter 4

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It was the day after I was back alive I was happy yet sad because the witch that saved me was a dear friend but the witch died that's why I'm upset but I'm OK now. I walk to Maddie room and noke on the door and Sam came and opened it and said hey July Maddie's awake if you want to talk to her I said yes please. I walk in and Sam walks out. I see Maddie sitting on the bed and I say you seem happy she said yes I have my sister and Sam. And of course Sam is happy he has is brother I smile and say that's good. I look at Maddie and say I haven't seen Dean sense I've been back she stays quite. I say Maddie tell me right now where's Dean. She said he is in a apartment down stairs because when you died it tore his heart he cryed for awhile but then he stopped and found the witch and brote you back she said through tiers and I said OK I'm going to see him.

So I walk down stairs and went to Dean's apartment he saw me and stood up faster then a dog trying to kill a rat. I say hey and he says hey have a seat would you like a drink. I say no thanks but umm why didn't you come see me after I was back. He look at me and said because It was my fault you died. I said no it was not he said yes it was I said no it was not and he said fine. And I smile and he says you have perfect smile and walks up to me and says July I cryed because you died and I'm sorry you died but I want you to know I care I know and thank you. After that I went back to the apartment and fell asleep. 

6 Years Later

We are all a happy family Dean has a wife Sam and Maddie are happy I am happy but I don't have a husband because it's better to be alone then with someone who wouldn't understand me if you know what I mean. But anyway we are all happy and we are still hunting and we always will but I love my job. So this is the rest of my life hunting supernatural creatures but I'm happy having this job to save people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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