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a/n first ever story so please enjoy!! also alex the ex boyfriend is not alex ernst lol :)


annie's pov-

Could you imagine? Me, happy, perfect, straight a's, Annie Smith, clinically depressed. What I mean by clinically depressed is that it was like all of the feeling was drained out of me. Like the only color left in a rainbow was grey. Even the bluest of California skies seemed like they were grey. Honestly my whole existence seemed like it was just grey. I constantly felt like I should be doing something more than what I was already doing, but my motivation to do those things was just nonexistent.

I spent a whole year going to intense therapy, support groups, and even tried a therapy dog class thing that my mom heard about from her friends. Nothing had really helped me until during a FaceTime session with my older brother Toddy, he explained to me how he and a few of his friends had just rented a pretty big house and there was enough room for me. So I asked if I could move in tomorrow.

"Yeah baby, theres a guest room that you could decorate, and there will always be someone home, so you'll never have to be alone. I really think this will help you Annie." Toddy knew all about my issues because he was the one I always went to.  Ever since what happened with my ex, Alex, I know he's regretted not being there to protect me.

I met Alex when I was 18, we had Physics together. At first we were friends and then it was something much more. We began to date and I was hopelessly in love with him. He would tell me how much he loved me too, but I continued to find him cheating. At first I would just get the occasional texts saying how people saw him kissing girls at parties or just dancing with them, and that I could live with. I believed we could get through all of that. Until I found out about Laurel.


I came home to our  apartment in Huntington that we bought together after high school, after we both got excepted into UCI, to see my, now ex, best friend Laurel straddling my Alex.

"What the fuck? What do you think you're doing?" I slammed the door behind me and stormed over to where Alex was standing up looking dazed as Laurel ran out.

"Annie! Calm the fuck down! Just chill," Alex said to me slowly as if nothing was wrong.

"I will not 'chill' Alex! You're really sleeping with my best friend? And are you high? You know what," I was screaming by now. "GET OUT. NOW. We are no longer together so GET OUT."

As soon as I shoved his chest I noticed a change in him. He was no longer dazed and confused on why I was so angry. He grabbed my wrists roughly and shoved me backwards so I fell on my back. I looked up from the ground to find his 6 foot figure standing over me. It was obvious now that he was high out of his mind and just mad. Mad at himself for cheating and mad at me for finding out, and I guess he just took it out on me. Kicking, punching, and probably a lot more but I passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed with Toddy sitting next to me.
(flashback over)

Now I'm on a plane to Los Angeles with all of my clothes that I could pack in a carry on because the rest are being shipped. I'm on one of those tiny planes for like 30 minutes so I decide to take a nap. Hopefully when I wake up I'll be in LA.

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