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I won my match against Summer Rea in like 3 seconds and now i had just returned to the boys locker room where they had all our stuff ready to leave

"I cant believe the put my in a match with her, she cant fucking wrestle!"

"O the poor baby gets put in a match and complians about it" Seth cooed

"Shut up two-toned" i lightly smacked him

"Come on we head to the hotel" 

"Mkay" i walked inbetween Roman and Dean 

"Hey Bambi!" i turned around to see John Cena

"CENA!" i ran over to him ( he is my bestfriend) and jumped on him giving a huge hug

"Ive missed you Johnnyboy"

"Ive missed you as well" he hugged me close

"Hows the elbow?" i poked it

"Fine now, it looks like Dean's a bit jealouse" he whispered the last part

I turned around to see Dean he had a look that said he was jealous, upset, and angry.

"I guess i should go back to them Love You john" i gave him one last hug and returned to Ro and Dean's side. 

I grabbed Dean's hand lightly playing with his fingers once we got in the car we had rented, this is a normal habit of mine so Ro doesnt question it. He also doesnt question the fact when i curl up into a ball and snuggle into Dean's side because i do that when im tired

"Were you jealous that i was hugging John?" i whispered to him

"No" Dean said with no emotion

"I know you were i could see it in your eyes when i turned around"

"I wasnt" he said with the same tone

"Whatever" i slowly scooted away from him but he had pulled me back 

"Okay maybe i was, its just.... nevermind ill tell you some day" i didnt push him to tell me because i knew if i did he would never tell me


"Dean you can just let her stay with you tonight" i heard my big bro's voice when i realized i must had fallen asleep and now Dean was carring me

"You sure?" i snuggled closer to his warm chest

"Yes go" Ro shooed us away

I heard a door unlock and be pushed open before i was gentle layed down in a bed

"Dean?" i mumbled softly reaching out for him

"Yeah Bambi" he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers

"Thank you"


"Letting me stay the night with you" he slowly got up and kissed my forehead

"Dont thank me, there is only one bed" he stated

"Thats okay i always sleep in Ro's bed any way with him or Seth's because i need something mostly someone to cuddle with" he tensed when i said Seth

"Seth? Really?" he entered the bathrrom slamming the door in the process

"Dean?" i got up and lightly tapped on it


"Please come out" 

"No" i just left him alone and started changing.

I was only in my bra and underwear when i heard the bathroom door open


"Sorry" but i knew he wasnt by the lustful gaze he set on me

"No your not" 

"Your right" he took to long steps towards me and pulled me in for a lustful kiss

That was the first kiss we have ever shared

"Dean" i moaned into his mouth

"We cant do this" i lightly pushed him off of me

"Sorry i know im going to take a shower okay?" 

"Yeah im going to bed night" i kissed his cheek and slipped into the bed

"In your bra and underwear?" 

"Its really hot in this room sorry"

"Dont be" he smirked and went to the bathroom to take a shower

this is going to be a long night

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