In Case

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I woke up and Dean's side of the bed was cold it was like he  hadnt been there at all...... After our lazy day together he has been really distint.

I pulled my phone out to call AJ Lee one of my best friends 

_On the phone_

Aj= A Shay=S

S- " Hey girlie"

A- "Hey girl, Dean still not talking to you?" 

S- "Yeah" 

A- "He will"

S- "Hopefully, just wanted to talk for a few seconds because i knew Ro is bout to brag in"

A- "Alright girlie talk to you later" 

S- "Alright byeeeee"

I end the call with AJ just as my brother walked in

"Hi Ro" i said sadly

"He still not talking to you"

"Yeah" i started crying

Dean is one of my best friends and I cant live with out him. If you couldnt tell most of the time we are attached at the hip

"Shhhhh he will come around, he has been pacing in our room since he stopped talking to you"

"Why did he?" i questioned my brother

"He wont tell us" he answered worry in his eyes 

"I wrote a song" 

"You did, did you?" Roman smiled down at me

"Its not that good but i wrote it about Dean"  his smiled faultered

"Let me hear it" 

"Pictures in my pocket

Are faded from the washer

I can barely just make out your face

Food you saved for later

In my refrigerator

It's been too long since later never came

I know

One day eventually

Yeah, I know

One day I'll have to let it all go

But I keep it just in case

Yeah, I keep it just in case

In case

You don't find what you're looking for

In case

You're missing what you had before

In case

You change your mind, I'll be waiting here

In case

You just want to come home"

"Shay" Ro sighed

"What?" i cried out

"He will come back"

"NO HE WONT HE HASNT TALK TO ME IN A WEEK ROMAN, A FUCKING WEEK" that broke me and i just cried

"I love him Ro" i whispered

"I know" he mumbled as he held my shaking body tight 

"Why him WHY JONATHAN GOOD?!" i asked tears were now flooding down my face

_Dean's POV_

"WHY DID YOU MAKE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIENDS SISTER PLEASE GOD TELL ME WHY BECAUS EIF THIS IS SOME MESSED UP GAME YOU ARE PLAYING I SWEAR TO THE DEVIL I WILL KILL MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pure frustration and sadness as i broke down in tears on the roof of the hotel we were staying at.

"Why, Why?" i asked over and over again as i kicked anything and everything in sight with all me power 

I, Jonathan Good, have fall inlove and have cried because i knew she would never love me back.

_Shay's POV_

"Ro can i go see him" 

"Seth texted me, he said Dean went to the roof"

I didnt say goodbye or anything i just left and once i arrived at the roof, i finally saw him and it shocked me the state he was in

"Jon"  i whispered he flashed around and i could see tears running down his face

I ran to him and wrapped him in a hug as he pulled us down to the ground crying even harder

"Jon, honey whats wrong?" i asked my tear stained face looking at his face that has fresh tears streaming down it

"You dont love me" he whimpered

"YOU DONT CARE" he screamed pulling away from me

"YOU WOULDNT GIVE TWO SHITS IF I JUMPED OFF THE ROOF RIGHT NOW!!" he screamed walking to the edge of the roof

"I swear to God Jon you jump im coming with you"

"You wouldnt" he challenged "you know why because you dont love me you dont care about me. All you wanted was fame" he growled at me

"Really because i dont think if I do what ive been dying to do since the day ive met you, would me only wanting you for fame" i challenged him back

"Ha really then do it Shay" he challenged with an evil smirk i walked over to him and did what ive been dying to do

I KISSED HIM.....................

and it started raining

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