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NOTE: A few of these sentences were taken from Glass Sword.  These characters belong to Victoria Aveyard

As I walk closer to the boy king, he raises his hand, signaling the crowds to silence. I stop just a few feet in front of Maven, close enough to see the dark shadows under his eyes. I feel the slightest pang in my heart for him, knowing how it feels to lose the closest person you have. I can't feel pity for him, I tell myself repeatedly, but to no avail.

My tears are now gone and I no longer hear the jeers from the silvers surrounding me. Maven stands up from his throne, slowly walking towards me. I see something in his eyes, almost like the smallest hint of sorrow. It quickly fades, replaced by something akin to malice.

"You put her body on display." He forces the words through gritted teeth and I can hear the pain in his voice. "I'll do the same to you."

Maven backs away from me and points to the ground in front of his feet. He says nothing but his meaning is clear.

I do as he says.

I kneel.

King's Cage (A Red Queen FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now