Chapter 8

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Allison p.o.v.

When we got home I went straight to my room and through all my blades away. I wanted to free myself from my own demons, but not like that. I'm still pissed at Zayn. I mean we slept together well we didn't have sex if that's what you were thinking. But still he sang me to sleep and he's just ahh I don know.

"Knock , Knock." A heard Harry say.

"Hey Hazz." I said with a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good." I lied.

"Allison I can tell when your lying. You can trust me." He said as he say next to me.

"It's Zayn." I mumbled.

"What did he do?" Harry said standing up now.

"Nothing really he just made me think that he cares when he really didn't. I mean I felt a connection with him from the start. Then at the hospital it........ It all changed." I said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"I found out he had a girlfriend." I said looking into Harry's green eyes. Harry leaned forward and kissed me. At first I kissed him back but after a moment I pulled out of the kiss.

"H-Harry I'm sorry but I-I can't do this right now. After the whole Conner thing and Zayn. I just need sometime." I said.

"But Allison, I can treat you better then them both. Allison just give me a chance." Harry begged.

"Harry, I-I," I didn't know what zest . I was shocked. It was obvious that I was basically drooling over Zayn. I never thought any of the other boys would ever have feelings for me.
"I like Zayn." I whispered to Harry placing my hand over his. Harry's eye flashed with hurt shown.

"Don't say that again." Harry mumbled as he stood up. I stand infront of him and place my hand firmly on his chest. It rose fastly. His fist were clenched.

"Please give me some time Harry. I just don't want to rush into anything. I want to have a clear mindset before starting a relationship with someone." I explained to him. Harry slightly nodded. He places his hand on my waist gently. He leans down and places small kisses along my neck causing me to moan slightly.

"H-Harry." I whispered as his hands traveled up my back. I knew this wasn't right. I needed time to think. I gently pulled away from him and smirk.

"Just give me some time." I say leaning in and placing a kiss onto Harry's plumped lips. His hands came in contact to my face and he deepened our kiss. He pulls away and begins
to talk.

"Are you tr-" he was cut off by Zayn picking Harry up and throwing him against the wall. I stood there frozen as the two boys begin to brutally beat each other. Realization hit me when blood poured from both boys.

"Stop!" I screamed standing in between the two of them. They were both bloody. Louis ran in and Harry began to explain what happened.

"Please help Zayn get cleaned up. I got Harry." Louis whispered to me as Harry limped out the room.

"I'll kill him!" Zayn screamed as he ran over to me. He embraced me into a hug.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I know I messed up I should've told you I have a girlfriend. But I lead you on instead. Me and Perrie broke up. I know who I really want to be with and it's you." Zayn said.



Will Zayn and Allison go out?
Will Zayn forgive Harry?!

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