Chapter 13

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Alison's P.O.V.

I finally finished setting up the party. Every thing is perfect from the cakes and pastries to the Dj and lighting. Who ever this party was for they must be filthy rich! The budget for the party was $500,000! That's more than I make in 5 years.

"Wow, Alison this looks amazing!" Austin, my boss, says walking inside the quiet club.

"Yea, I just got done putting the finishing touches on, I'm actually about to leave." I sigh putting my clip board down, on the glass table.

"Yea, it looks great. This Styles kid is gonna be happy when he arrives." he said walking about the club. 'Styles' it reminded me of Harry, he writes, every now and then, I miss them all so much. My phone begins to vibrate and I quickly check the caller ID.

"Sorry one moment, Austin." I say answering my phone.

"Um, hello?" I question.

"Hey, I know I'm late, but Happy Birthday." A deep voice said, it was most definitely Harry.

"Harry?! Oh my gosh, it's been forever thank you, and happy birthday to you too." I smiled.

"Haha thanks. I was wondering, since you're not able to make it to the party, if ah maybe you wanted to do something tomorrow." he stuttered, I felt my heart melt.

"I, I would love to Harry." I blushed, I him heard say YESSS into the phone, I giggled.

"So it's a date, I'll pick you up around 6, at Louis's other flat right?" he questioned, I mentally awed, he remembered.

"Um, of course, and yea." I smiled. I cant believe Harry asked me out, I know he liked me but Wow, Suprise suprise.

"Well, I'll see you then." I blushed, I quickly hung up the phone. After months Harry has finally reached out to me. I feel happy. Harry has always liked me and I do have feelings for him. The only reason why I didn't act on my feelings was because at the time I was with Zayn. But now I feel like I can actually be in a relationship with Harry.

Austin and i say our goodbyes and i hurry home to get ready for this dreadful party. I put on a black laced dress, with my hair out curly. I quickly put on my black heels. When I arrive the club was beyond packed. There were bodies cramped together. I pushed past the people, went to the bar, and decide to order a drink.

"Hello beautiful what would you like today?" The young barttender asked. I smiled at his compliment.

"Umm, I'd like a apple martiny on the rocks please." I smiled

"Coming right up." he laughed. I sit there for a few minutes until i see a familiar man sit next to me.

"If i must say you are- Allison?" I glance up to see a pair of green eyes stairing at me.

"H-harry?" I stutter.

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