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Ok, I don't think I had a good start in my last part, so I'll start over, hi my name is Noah Coradetti, most of my friends know me as the fun, optimistic, funny, can't be emo if they even try kind of kid.

So like I was saying in my last part, well you read it, so now I'm like going to preschool it was pretty fun I don't remember it but it was fun, then in kindergarten-5th grade I find my best friend, Blake.

School was really tough for me, unfortunately, i was really dumb, so I often cheated on schoolwork (not anymore I swear) Although, 3rd and 4th grade there was this friend I made named mason, he was kind of a jerk...

When I mean kind of, I mean making fun of me every damn day, he even convinced all my other friends to make fun of me too, mainly because I was stupid or because of my weight...

I remember every day saying to myself, "Why don't I just go to sleep forever?" It was a terrible time in my childhood, they always said they were just kidding, tell that to the emotional, hurt tear streaked face...

I will make another part bye!

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