Chapter one: the beginning to my life

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   (The beggining~narrarator)

   Phyre Ravenia De'gabriel was born on October 31, 1997. She was a beautiful blue eyed, black haired, ivory-skinned, redish tinted lips with a beautiful toothless smile. She was as her parents called her back then " the miracle child" having her sister,Aqua doveria De'gabriel, die at birth from an undeveloped heart was hard for her parents but seeing the little bundle of joy made them want to keep on going. 

     At the age of three she was told the news that she was going to be a big sister. She vowed too take care and protect her the minute she walked in to the hospital room. Where her parents let her hold Ria Kaze De'gabriel, that's the thing when she held Ria she knew something was going to happen. Not then, but in the future. She knew something was going to happen and that it was either Ria or her. She was too young to know what it was that was going to happen all she knew is that she will protect little Ria with her life.

    At the age of five her grandfather,Luke, got cancer. Her parents took rash actions and sent Ria and Phyre to her Uncle Marty and Aunt suzana or as she likes to remember them by "Satan's demons". Her uncle and aunt where given money to feed them and buy clothes for them yet they never really did spend it on them. They barely even gave them any food. The amount of food given to them was about the amount you give a toddler. Not enough food for a five and two year old. They were found by her older cousin Michael Knight, in horrible conditions Phyre asked him how she could get out of the hurt. Michael being the drug lord he was told her " Phyre I think I might have a job for you"

     At the age of six she was smuggling drugs and helping her cousin take over. Always getting money to feed and buy Ria luxuries for her happiness. She knew this was the feeling she had gotten when she first held her little sister. She knew this was the bad thing but what she didn't expect was that it was going to get worse as she kept growing up.

       She knew not to mess with Michael by the age of seven. Everyone of her mistakes cause a new scar on her skin. She found a new release. Fighting in the rings.

      By the age of eight her body was full with scars inflicted ones and accidental ones. She was given another exciting yet horrible news. Her mother was giving them another sister, Adamina Avani De'gabriel. It was exciting for Ria and Phyre but more scary for Phyre she knew she had to take care of two little ones now. The moment her parents left little Adamina in her arms she knew she would do anything for her baby sisters. She knew she had to sacrifice her happiness for them and she decided to do so without a fight.

      By the age of nine she was broken. Physically, mentally, emotionally broken. She would hear voices that would always put her down. The children at school always making fun of her petite malnutritioned body. By the age of 10 she hated herself. She wanted to die but knew she had to keep living for Ria and Adamina.

        By the age of 10 she was Michael's top fighters. She was deadly. One look at her and you knew she was poison. Even though she was poison to others to her sisters she was a mother. She was caring, understanding, and sweet. Adamina and Ria had picked up the habit of calling Phyre momma and as much as Phyre tried to tell them she wasn't their mom it never stopped them. Fighting wasn't enough for Phyre though she started racing.

     By the age of 11 she mastered all sorts of fighting and drag racing become the ultimate threat to Michael. He thought killing her would be the best of options for him since she was  gaining to much strength. He kept her at bay always showing her with money , cars and toys for her little ones. 

       By the age of 12 she knew life couldn't get any worse. Coming home from disaterous deliveries and being wounded. She thought god had abandoned her. She started to become numb. Her little ones where the only reason why she lived. Her excistance was mainly focused on their happiness. Happy they were. Ria being top student in the whole district made Phyres heart swell with joy and little tiny Adamina brought joy to her heart with her little devious pranks. 

      At the age of 13 she was cold to everyone except her young ones. Here eyes once the purest blue turned black because of the things she has seen making her numb. Because she was cold she was able to do so much more in fear that she might overthrow him.He sent two of his warriors after the toung one after a fight she had participated in where she was brutally beaten and stabed on the back. Thankfully, Adrian, a friend she had acquired from the ring found her and took her to the hospital. Her mother and father finally opened their eyes and saw the mess they left their three little ones. They quickly took Ria and Adamina away from those terrible people. Phyre once she woke up made a compromise with Michael to leave their world and he agreed

    By the age of 14 she was in her own world. Depression was all she knew. Fighting and racing where suppose to be left in the past. She made a new friend in her new high school a good one too. She still was lost till he appeared and stole the one thing she held dear. The only thing unbroken, her heart.

   At the age of 15 she met a boy. Anthony was his name. He made her world spin around and helped her become a better person they were happy they were infinite till 3 months after her birthday. He left her alone making the demons appear. The were meant to be. She couldn't give up so she fought.

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