Chapter One: Wake Up Sleepy Head!

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(Viktor's POV)
I looked at Yuuri, my fiance, as he slept peacefully in my chest. His mouth curved into a smile, as he would often giggle softly. I've always wondered about what he'd be dreaming about that makes him so happy. But, even if it's kept a mystery until I fall, I still love seeing him smile in my chest. I pick up my arms and hug him, getting a shiver from my sleeping beauty. I chuckle lightly as he joins me.

"Yuuri." I whisper, making sure I don't awake him.

"Mmn..." He replies, stirring a bit.

"What are you dreaming about, piggy?"


"So, you're dreaming about me?" I let out laugh.


Yuuri snuggles closer to my chin, I then rest my chin on his head. He sighs in relief, knowing I'm there for him. I start stroking his head, twiddling my fingers between his free-flying hair. I've always loved his silky, smooth hair. It feels as if I'm touching my soft bed sheets.

"My pork cutlet bowl, why must you sleep when I'm anxious to play around with you?"

He snorts, "Because...mni"

A shiver ran down my spine. He's always used I love you and his adorableness as a weakness against me. And, it's always worked...

I kiss the top of his forehead as he shivered. Kisses, touches, and my words were his weakness. It was adorable...I love my pork cutlet bowl.

"Viktor..." Yuuri let out as he hugged me. I smirked.


"Mn..." He tugs at my sweater, snuggling closer to me as he let out a giggle.

"Haha...I love you, piggy."

"...I..know." Yuuri whispers. I sigh happily, grabbing my phone. I turn it on and open to my feed, revealing a ton of posts from the other skaters.

Yurio looks happy. And I mean it this time. He has posted a photo with himself and a fellow skater named, Otabek Altin. Ah, I remember him. He used to come and place with me in different competitions, along with Chris.

Speaking of Chris, the man has posted a photo of him visiting a resturaunt I recommended. Hm, looks like he's alone in the photo. Oh well, I move on to Yuuri's page. He's posted a new photo...a few seconds ago?

I turn my head to Yuuri, only to see him smiling back at me with half-opened eyes.

"Hello, Viktor..."

He says in a whisper as he throws a kiss at me. I laugh as I throw a kiss back.

"You're so sneaky little piggy."

"So are you, guess it was my revenge from last time."

"Hehe, I know. I remember."
He giggles as he grabs his phone and places it on my chest, where his head is. I turn back to mine as I continue to look at the photo.

So cute



"Can we take another photo?"

"Eh? Last time I know, you told me you didn't like taking that much photos, Yuuri~"

He gave me a grumpy look, making me blush a little. His adorableness has always got to me. He smiled as he started playing with my bangs.

"I know, but I like it when we take photos together. I like looking back at them and remembering what we did."

"Ahah, I see."

He snorted, "Yes. So can we?"

"Sure! Why not? I'm always up for a photo."

"Of course you are. Most of the skaters I know love to take selfies wherever they go."

"Unlike you."

"Haha, it's not everyday that I don't look like a big nerd."

"Hey, you're still adorable with your glasses."

He gasped lightly as he looked away, blushing. I laugh. He then grabbed his phone full of poodles and brought it up a few inches away from us.

I chuckle as I start playing with his hair. He looks back at me with a confused look. I laugh as I start pulling it back a bit. He starts laughing as I hear a click go off.

"You were trying to pull my hair back for the photo!"

"I know."

"I captured it though, haha."

He then places his phone on my chest yet again and start kicking his legs on the air as he writes for the photo. I watch with a smile, waiting for him to finish.

"I can't believe you got that without much blur."

"My phone was made for it." He giggles as he hits the submit button. My phone goes off, and I quickly grab it to be the first one to favorite it.

Viktor trying to pull my hair back for this photo

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Viktor trying to pull my hair back for this photo. Haha! -PorkcutletKatsuki

I then hit the like button, and look back at him. He sighs happily and rests his head on my chest. I sigh as well, setting down my phone beside me.

"You are now aware of your own breathing."


I laugh hard, "That was good. That was good."

"Now i'm aware of my own dare you!~"

I slow down my laughing as I smirk a little. He smirks back.

He's got something planned.





"You are now aware of your blinking."

"No~ I knew it!"

He starts laughing as he hugs me. I hug back as I let the cool air collide with us...


Hola! :3 this chapter may not do much, but it's an important one for this story haha. Anyway, the art doesn't belong to me! DX I hope you like the rest of le story! :333

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